School of Urban and Environmental Engineering
Chung-Bang Yun
Endowed-Chair Professor / UNIST

Domestic Conference Papers
윤정방, 현창헌, “최적화 기법에 의한 사장교의 케이블 장력 보정”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1984, 10
윤정방, 현창헌, “풍하중에 대한 사장교의 동력학적 연구”, 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회, 1984, 4
윤정방, 류정수, “해양구조물의 피로해석시 응력 Bandwidth의 영향,”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1985, 10
윤정방, 유정선, “파랑하중에 대한 Guyed Tower의 동적 거동,”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1985, 10
윤정방, 홍규선, “복합모형을 이용한 지반-구조물의 동적 상관관계에 대한 연구”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1985, 10
윤정방, 유정선, “랜덤 파랑하중에 대한 Guyed Tower의 비선형 동적거동해법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1986, 10
윤정방, 박우선, 편종근, “파랑하중에 대한 Tension Leg Platform의 동적해석,”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1986, 10
윤정방, 현창헌, “랜덤 풍하중을 받는 현수교의 비선형해법에 관한 연구,”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1987, 3
편종근, 박우선, 윤정방, “Tether의 동특성 효과를 고려한 Tension Leg Platform의 운동해석,”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1987, 6
윤정방, 양신추, “무한요소를 이용한 지반-구조물의 상관관계”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1987, 10
윤정방, 유정선, “Offshore Guyed Tower의 신뢰도해석”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1987, 10
윤정방, “Extended Kalman Filter를 사용한 비선형 구조계의 동특성 추정법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1989, 6
현창헌, 윤정방, “다 지지점 지진하중을 받는 현수교의 비정상거동 해법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1989, 10
민진기, 김형기, 윤정방, “Inverse Modal Perturbation 기법에 의한 구조물 손상의 추정” 대한토목학회, 1989년도 학술발표회 논문개요집, 1989.10.
박우선, 윤정방, 편종근, “무한요소를 이용한 파동의 회절 및 방사문제 해석”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1989, 11
윤정방, Shinozuka. M., “다변수 확률과정의 시뮬레이션”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1990, 4
조효남, 윤정방, “동특성 추정기법과 신뢰성해법에 의한 기설교량의 내하력 판정방법”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1990, 4
이창근, 윤정방, “순차적 예측오차방법에 의한 구조물의 모우드계수 추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1990, 10
유정선, 윤정방, “Nonstationary Response Analysis of Offshore Guyed Tower for Strong Earthquake”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1990, 10
박우선, 윤정방, “First Passage 개념에 의한 Tension Leg Platform의 신뢰도 해석”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1990, 12
박우선, 윤정방, 편종근, “해양구조물의 파력산정을 위한 3차원 무한요소”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1991, 4
류정수, 윤정방, “해양구조물의 피로파괴에 대한 신뢰도해석”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1991, 5
윤정방, 김재민, 김영석, 전영선, “Eulerian 기법을 이용한 유체저장구조물의 지진해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1991, 10
윤정방, 김영석, 김재민, 김진웅, “이차원 유체요소를 이용한 유체저장구조물의 지진해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1991, 10
양신추, 윤정방, “지반-구조물의 상호해석을 위한 동적 무한요소”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1991.
홍규선, 윤정방, “구조물의 주파수응답함수를 추정하기 위한 개선된 방법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1991, 10
윤정방, 이형진, “구조물의 동특성추정을 위한 순차적기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1992.
류정선, 윤정방, “심해용 해양구조물의 지진하중에 대한 비정상거동해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1992, 4
류정수, 윤정방, “구조계의 신뢰도해석을 위한 개선된 기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1992, 4
류정선, 윤정방, “해양 Guyed Tower의 지진하중에 대한 동적해석”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1992, 6
윤정방, 김상범, “대형구조물의 최적진동제어”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1992, 10
윤정방, 이형진, “순차적 예측오차방법에 의한 구조물의 동특성 추정법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1992, 10
윤정방, 방은영, “사장교의 진동제어를 위한 유동형 감쇠장치”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1992.
최창근, 윤정방, 김윤석, 정지승, “Double Plate Girder의 내풍특성에 관한 실험적 연구”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1992, 10
윤정방, 장수혁, “비선형 동적구조계의 미지계수추정”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1992, 11
윤정방, 양신추, 김재민, “무한요소를 이용한 지반-구조물 상호작용해석 및 지진응답해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1993, 4
홍규선, 윤정방, “Damage Assessment of Structures by Iterative Inverse Modal Perturbation Method”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1993, 6
윤정방, 김재민, 양신추, “Approximate Wave Functions of Dynamic Infinite Elements for Multi-Layered Halfspaces”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1993, 10
김문수, 윤철호, 현창헌, 윤정방, 김재민, “Hualien 대형내진모델의 뒷채움전 강제진동시험 및 해석”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1993, 10
윤정방, 이형진, “구조물의 동특성 추정을 위한 순차적 기법의 수렴성 향상에 관한 연구”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1993, 10
김상범, 방제묵, 윤정방, “고정해양구조물의 능동제어”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1993, 10
윤정방, 최준성, “지반-구조물 상호작용의 시간영역해석을 위한 무한경계요소”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1994, 4
윤정방, 방제묵, 김상범, “고정식 해양구조물의 능동제어”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1994.
윤정방, 김영석, “변위형 유체요소를 이용한 직사각형 사용후핵연료 저장구조물의 지진해석”, 한국원자력학회 춘계학술발표회, 1994, 5
윤정방, 김재민, “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Incorporating Infinity Elements”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1994, 5
윤정방, 이형진, “구조물의 자유진동특성 추정을 위한 실험적연구”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1994, 10
전영선, 윤정방, “수중블럭이 사각형 탱크의 자유수면 유동에 미치는 영향”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1994, 10
김영석, 윤정방, “Sloshing 영향을 고려한 직사각형 유체저장조의 내진해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1994, 10
윤정방, 김재민, 윤철호, 김문수, “Hualien 대형내진시험구조물의 강제진동시험에 대한 Post-Correlation 해석”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1994, 10
윤정방, 최준성, “지반-구조물계의 유한요소-경계요소-무한경계요소의 연계해법”, 한국원자력학회 추계학술발표회, 1994, 10
윤정방, 박경래, “동적강성행렬법을 사용한 평행층상 반무한지반의 자유장해석”, 한국원자력학회 추계학술발표회, 1994, 10
전영선, 윤정방, “내부물체를 가진 사각저장조의 유동특성”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 1994.
윤정방, 박경래, 김재민, “대형지진 시험구조물의 지진응답해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1995, 4
윤정방, 이형진, 김두기, “동특성추정을 이용한 구조물의 손상도 추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1995, 4
방은영, 윤정방, “신경망을 이용한 교량구조의 미지계수추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1995, 10
윤정방, 이동근, 정진상, 김두기, “지하철 운행하중에 대한 인접구조물의 진동해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 1995, 10
윤정방, 이형진, “부구조법을 이용한 구조계의 효율적인 동특성 추정법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1995, 10
송종걸, 이동근, 윤정방, “구조물의 내진설계시 연성요구도 평가”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1995.
윤정방, 김재민, 박경래, “축대칭 무한요소법을 사용한 지반-구조물 상호작용계의 지진해석기법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1995, 10
윤정방, 양신추, 김두기, 최준성, “고속철도 교량구간에서 열차진동의 지반전파해석”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1995, 10
윤정방, 이형진, “부분구조 추정법을 이용한 국부구조계수추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 서울, 1996, 4
이동근, 윤정방, 송종걸, “Ductility Demand Estimation Methods at Structural System Level for Seismic Design of Structures”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표회, 서울, 1996, 4
방은영, 윤정방, “부구조법과 신경망이론을 이용한 노후구조물의 손상도 추정법”, 한국해양공학회 학술대회논문집, 대구, 1996, 6
방은영, 윤정방, “신경망기법과 부구조법을 이용한 구조강성계수 추정법”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회, 1996, 6
윤정방, 김두기, 김유진, 박종찬, “무한요소를 사용한 층상지반에 놓인 스트립기초의 진동전파해석”, 한국전산구조공학회, 1996년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집, 1996, 10
윤정방, 황원섭, 정우정, 박종찬, 문성권, “강제라멘교각의 우각부 특성실험”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 1996, 11
CB Yun, JS Choi, JM Kim, “Earthquake Analysis of a Large Scale Seismic Test Structure Considering Nonlinear Soil Behavior”, 7th Int’l Conf. on Computing on Civil and Building Engineering, Serial. 7, Seoul, 대한민국, P. 2029-2034, 1997, 8
윤정방, 김두기, “해석적 주파수종속 2차원 무한요소를 사용한 시간영역에서의 지반-구조물 상호작용의 해석”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 서울, P. 487-490, 1998, 10.
윤정방, 이진학, 방은영, “모드자료를 이용한 프레임구조물의 접합부 손상도 추정”, 대한토목학회 학술발표회, 서울, P. 311-318, 1998, 10.
Sang Bum Kim, Ja In Gu and Chung Bang Yun, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control-Verification on a Benchmark Structure”, 대한토목학회 1999년도 학술발표회, P. 565-568, 1999.
C-B. Yun, K-J. Lee and J-H. Lee, “Damage Assessment of Structural Joints by Neural Networks and Nonlinear Damage Identification Using Modified Extended Kalman Filter”, Korean-Japan Joint Seminar on System Identification Methods for Safety Assessments of Civil Structures, Kyungju, P. 279-280, 1999.
김상범, 윤정방, 구자인, “슬라이딩 모드 퍼지 제어를 사용한 벤치마크 구조물의 진동제어에의 응용”, 한국소음진동공학회 1999년도 추계학술대회, P. 170-175, 1999.
J-H. Lee, C-B. Yun, E-Y. Bhang, “Structural Joint Damage Estimation by Neural Networks Incorporating Advanced Techniques”, Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Proceedings of the Spring Conference, 서울, 1999, 3.
이진학, 윤정방, 방은영, “신경망기법을 이용한 구조물 접합부의 손상평가”, 한국지진공학회 99년 춘계학술발표회, 서울, P. 300-307, 1999, 3.
김재민, 윤정방, 장수혁, “매입된 원통형 유체 저장 구조물의 유체-구조물-지반 상호작용해석”, 한국해양공학회 가을 학술 발표회, 1999, 5.
C-B. Yun and J-H. Lee, “Joint Damage Assessment of Structural Connections Using Inverse Modal Perturbation”, Korean Society of Steel Construction Proceedings of the Spring Conference, 1999, 6.
윤정방, 이진학, “모드섭동법에 의한 구조물 접합부의 손상도추정”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표회, 서울, P. 321-326, 1999, 6.
김재민, 윤정방, 장수혁, “지반-구조물 상호작용을 고려한 원통형 유체 저장 탱크의 지진해석”, 한국지진공학회 가을 학술발표회, 1999, 9.
김재민, 장수혁, 윤정방, “혼합형 유체요소와 무한요소를 이용한 3차원 축대칭 유체-구조물-지반 상호작용해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 가을 학술발표회, 1999, 10.
김재민, 장수혁, 윤정방, “혼합형 유체요소, 유한요소 및 무한요소를 이용한 3차원 축대칭 유체-구조물-지반 상호작용해석”, 한국해양공학회 가을 학술발표회, 1999, 10.
김상범, 윤정방, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control을 사용한 바람에 의한 대형 구조물의 진동제어”, 한국해양공학회 2000년도 추계학술대회논문집, 거제, P. 79-83, 2000.
김상범, 윤정방, 구자인, “풍하중을 받는 벤치마크 구조물의 진동제어를 위한 외란 예측기가 포함된 슬라이딩 모드 퍼지 제어”, 한국소음진동공학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집(I), 제주, P. 246-250, 2000.
김재민, 장수혁, 윤정방, 김영석, “2차원 유체-구조물-지반 상호작용해석 전산프로그램”, 한국지진공학회 춘계학술발표회, 서울, P. 427-434, 2000, 3.
윤정방, 이종원, 이진학, 심종민, 김재동, “모형교량의 모드특성 분석 및 차량시험에 의한 손상추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, 서울, P. 297-303, 2000, 4.
윤정방, 장수혁, 김재민, 홍선기, “2차원 유체-구조물-지반계의 지진응답해석”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, 서울, P. 289-296, 2000, 4.
김상범, 윤정방, 구자인, “외란 예측기가 포함된 슬라이딩 모드 퍼지 제어기기 응용”, 한국전산구조공학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울, P. 365-370, 2000, 4.
윤정방, 김재민, 김남식, 심종민, 구기영, “인터넷을 이용한 원격병렬 유사동적실험 : 면진교량에 대하여”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, P. 304-307, 2000, 4.
윤정방, 박동욱, 이인원, 김남식, “인터넷을 이용한 원격병렬 유사동적 실험 : 면진교량에 대하여”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표회, 2000, 6.
구자인, 김상범, 윤정방, “반능동 제어를 위한 MR 댐퍼의 설계”, 한국지진공학회 2000년도 추계학술발표회논문집, 대구, P. 79-83, 2000, 9.
윤정방, 박동욱, 이인원, 김남식, “인터넷을 이용한 면진교량의 원격병렬 유사동적 실험”, 대한토목학회 추계 학술발표회논문집(I), 용평, P. 317-320, 2000, 10.
윤정방, 이진학, 홍규선, 이창근, “정적 및 동적측정자료를 이용한 프레임 구조물의 모델개선기법”, 대한토목학회 추계 학술발표회, 용평, 2000, 10.
김상범, 윤정방, 구자인, “대형 구조물의 진동제어를 위한 반능동형 댐퍼의 설계”, 한국소음진동공학회 2000년도 추계학술대회논문집, 천안, P. 282-286, 2000, 11.
윤정방, 이종재, 구기영, 심종민, 이진학, “상시진동 시험결과를 이용한 구조모델개선”, 대한토목공학회, 2001.
윤정방, 구자인, 김상범, 전준보, “자기유변유체댐퍼를 이용한 대형 구조물의 풍하중에 대한 반능동 제어”, 한국지진공학회 춘계 학술발표회, 서울, P. 403-410, 2001, 3.
윤정방, 구기영, “Unscented Kalman Filter를 이용한 비선형 동적 구조계의 시간영역 규명기법”, 지진공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 서울, P. 180-189, 2001, 3.
윤정방, 구자인, 김상범, 전준보, “MR Damper를 이용한 대형 구조물의 풍하중에 대한 반능동제어”, 한국지진공학회 춘계 학술발표회, 서울, P. 403-418, 2001, 3.
윤정방, 박동욱, 이동하, 안창모, “교량용 내진 받침의 동특성 실험 결과를 이용한 교량의 해석”, 전산구조공학회, 수원, P. 465-474, 2001, 4.
윤정방, 이진학,이종재, “구조물의 응답만을 이용한 모드계수 추정법에 대한 비교연구”, 전산구조공학회 춘계학술발표회, 서울, P. 439-445, 2001, 4.
윤정방, 구기영, “Unscented Kalman Filter를 이용한 비선형 동적 구조계의 시간영역 규명기법”, 전산구조공학회 추계학술발표대회, 서울, P. 439-445, 2001, 4.
박동욱, 윤정방, 이인원, 강용우, 손만길, “교량용 내진 받침의 동특성 실험 결과를 이용한 교량의 해석”, 한국지진공학회 학술발표회, 공주, 2001, 9.
윤정방, 장수혁, 김재민, “2차원 유체-구조물-지반계의 지진응답해석”, 한국해양공학회, 대전, 2001.
윤정방, 장수혁, 서춘교, ·이원철, “지반-구조물 상호작용을 고려한 교량의 지진응답해석”, 한국토목공학회, 서울, 2001, 11.
구기영, 윤정방, “Unscented Particle Filter를 이용한 시간영역 비선형 구조계 규명기법”, 한국지진공학회 추계 학술발표회, P. 213-220, 2002.
이종재, 이종원, 윤정방, “모델링 오차를 고려한 교량의 손상추정”, 대한토목학회, 부산, 2002, 10.
윤정방, 이종재, 이종원, 정희영, “모델링 오차를 고려한 교량의 손상추정”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, 서울, P. 300-307, 2002, 4.
윤정방, 장신애, 심성한, 이종재, “Hibert-Huang Transform을 이용한 교량구조물의 손상추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 가을 학술발표회, 익산, P. 453-458, 2002, 10.
윤정방, 박동욱, E.Watanabe, and K.Nagata, “인터넷을 이용한 면진 교량의 원격 병렬 유사동적실험”, 한국전산구조공학술회 춘계 학술발표회, 안양, P. 521-528, 2003, 4.
윤정방, 이종재, 이인원, 이종원, 정희영, “모델링 오차를 고려한 신경망 기법 기반 손상추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 춘계 학술발표회, 안양, P. 382-387, 2003, 4.
이진학, 김지만, 윤정방, “변형률 계측을 통한 구조물 접합부의 손상도 추정”, 대한토목학회 추계 학술발표회, 대구, P. 1487-1495, 2003, 10.
박승희, 이진학, 윤정방, 노영래, “스마트 PZT 센사를 이용한 구조물 손상추정”, 대한토목학회 추계 학술발표회, 대구, P. 1592-1534, 2003, 10.
박승희, 이진학, 이종재, 윤정방, 노용래, “구조물 건전성 감시를 위한 스마트 PZT센서의 적용성 연구”, 전산구조공학회 추계 학술발표회, 대전, P. 549-555, 2003, 10.
김정태, 윤정방, 이진학, 류연선, 조현만, “계측온도조건이 고유진동수 기반 손상검색기법에 미치는 영향”, 한국전산구조공학술회 추계 학술발표회, 대전, P. 535-540, 2003, 10.
윤정방, “토목구조물 건전성 모니터링 기술의 현황”, 한국소음진동공학회 추계 학술대회, 충주, P. 21-23, 2003, 11.
김정태, 류연선, 조현만, 윤정방, 이진학, “진동신호기반 손상검색기법과 온도변화의 영향”, 한국소음진동공학회 추계 학술대회, 충주, P. 608-612, 2003, 11.
이진학, 윤정방, 김상훈, “계측자료를 활용한 교량의 확률적 지진 안전성 평가”, 지진공학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 3.
박동욱, 윤정방, E. Watanabe, “On-Line Pseudo-Dynamic Network Testing on Base-Isolated Bridge Using Internet and Wireless Internet”, 지진공학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 3.
박동욱, 윤정방, E. Watanabe, K. Nagata, “유무선 인터넷을 이용한 면진 교량의 온라인 네트워크 실험”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, 2004, 4.
윤정방, 박승희, 노용래, 이진학, “PZT센서의 두께방향 임피던스를 이용한 강구조물의 건전성 감시기법”, 대한건축학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 4.
이진학, 윤정방, “계측자료만을 이용한 구조물의 동특성 추정 및 구조건전성 평가”, 대한건축학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 4.
박승희, 노용래, 윤정방, “토목구조물의 PZT Impedance기반 손상추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표회, 2004, 4.
이진학, 박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, “임피던스 계측을 통한 구조물의 손상평가”, 한국구조물진단학회 봄 학술발표회, 2004, 5.
김장환, 이종재, 이진학, 정희영, 윤정방, “온도와 경계조건이 진동특성에 미치는 영향”, 한국구조물진단학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 5.
이진학, 구기영, 김남식, 윤정방, “Extended Kalman Filter를 이용한 케이블의 감쇠비 추정”, 한국구조물진단학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 5.
윤정방, “Recent R&D Activities on Structural Health Monitoring for Civil Infrastructures in Korea”, 한국구조물진단학회 봄 학술대회, 2004, 5.
이진학, 윤진영, 김상훈, 윤정방, “지진취약도 분석을 통한 면진교량의 지진위험도 평가”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 2004, 10.
서춘교, 윤정방, “적층 반무한지반에서 3차원 지반-구조물 상호작용해석을 위한 동적무한요소의 개발”, 한국전산구조공학회 가을 학술대회, 2004, 10.
박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, “강구조물의 손상검색을 위한 램웨이브와 웨이블렛 계수의 효율적인 방법”, 한국전산구조공학회 가을 학술발표회, 2004, 10.
이종재, 조수진, 윤정방, “교량의 건전성 모니터링을 위한 효율적인 접근방법”, 한국전산구조공학회 가을 학술발표회, 2004, 10.
신성우, 윤정방, “시간-주파수 표현법을 이용한 파동의 전파시간 및 주파수의 통계학적 탐지법”, 대한토목학회 가을 학술발표대회, 2004, 10.
이종재, 윤정방, “효율적인 교량 건전성 모니터링을 위한 이단계 접근방법”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 2004, 10.
이진학, 윤정방, 이창근, 이원태, “시험도로 구간의 교량에 대한 재하시험 및 상시진동시험”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 2004, 10.
김상범, B. F. Spencer, 윤정방, “토목구조물의 상시모니터링을 위한 Wireless Sensor Network”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 2004, 10.
구기영, 이진학, 이종재, 윤정방, “부분구조법에 의한 교량 상부구조계의 건전성 평가기법”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 2004, 10.
박승희, 이종재, 윤정방, 노용래, “강구조물 접합부의 건전성 감시를 위한 램웨이브와 확률신경망의 적용”, 한국소음진동공학회 가을 학술대회, 2004, 11.
서춘교 윤정방, “지반구조물 상호작용 해석을 위한 3차원 무한요소”, 전산구조공학회 봄 학술발표대회, 2005, 4.
박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, “Lamb파와 SVM을 이용한 강구조물의 건전성 감시기법”, 지진공학회 봄 학술대회, 2005, 4.
D-U. Park, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee. K. Nagata, E. Watanbe, K. Sugiura, “On-line Pseudo-dynamic Network Testings on Base-Isolated Bridges Using Web-based Java Monitoring System”, 지진공학회 봄 학술대회, 2005, 4.
구기영, 윤정방, 이진학, “상시 진동을 사용한 교량 상부구조계의 휨강성 추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 춘계학술대회, 2005, 4.
Sohaib Ahmad, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y. Roh, Adeel Riaz, “Experimental and theoretical Studies for Impedance-based Crack Detection of Concrete Structures”, 비파괴검사학회 춘계학술대회, 2005, 5.
박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, Ahmad Sohaib, “토목구조 부재의 PZT기반 상시 비파괴 검사기법”, 비파괴검사학회 춘계학술대회, 2005, 5.
박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, “강구조물의 비파괴 평가를 위한 상시 능동 감지 기법”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회, 2005, 6.
구기영, 윤정방, 이진학, “상시진동을 사용한 강교량 상부구조의 휨강성 추정기법”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회, 2005, 6.
D.Y. Kim, J.H. Seon, Y.R. Roh, S.H. Park, C.B. Yun, “Damage Detection of Civil Infrastructures with Piezoelectric Oscillator Sensors”, 대한토목학회 추계학술발표회, 2005, 10.
구기영, 윤정방, 이진학, “부분구조계 규명기법을 사용한 교량상판의 휨강성 추정기법”, 대한토목학회 추계학술발표회, 2005, 10.
김상범, 이완수, 윤정방, “유리분수함수 근사법에 기반한 풍하중을 받는 구조물의 동특성 추정”, 한국소음진동공학회 추계학술대회, 2005, 10.
신성우, 윤정방, 송원준, John S. Popovics, “분산을 고려한 콘크리트에서의 표면파 군속도 측정”, 구조물진단학회 가을 정기 학술발표회, 2005, 10.
신성우, 윤정방, 송원준, John S. Popovics, “콘크리트의 비균질성을 고려한 One-Sided 응력파 측정기법”, 대한토목학회 추계학술발표회, 2005, 10.
이창근, 이원태, 조수진, 윤정방, 이진학, “고속도로 시험도로상의 교량에 대한 스마트 내하력 평가 기법의 적용”, 대한토목학회 추계학술발표회, 2005, 10.
정명진, Tadanobu Sato, 윤정방, “몬테카를로 필터를 이용한 구조물의 특성 추정을 위한 무선 계측 시스템의 적용”, 대한토목학회 정기 학술대회, 제주도, 2005. 10.
신성우, 윤정방, John S. Popovics, 민지영, “연속 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 콘크리트의 One-Sided 응력파 측정기법 개선”, 한국도로학회 가을 정기 학술발표회, 2005, 11.
윤정방, 박승희, D. J. Inman, “압전센서를 이용하는 철로에서의 손상검색 기술”, 한국전산구조공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 무주 리조트, 2006. 4.
박현준, 구기영, 윤정방, “스마트 FBG 센서를 이용한 모드연성도 기반의 구조물 손상검색”, 대한토목학회 추계학술대회, 광주, 2006, 10.
정명진, Tadanobu Sato, 윤정방, 신수봉, “가속도 데이터를 이용한 구조물의 시변 매개변수의 규명” 한국지진공학회 학술발표회, 안산, 2007. 3.
구기영, 박승희, 이종재, 윤정방, “온도효과에 자유로운 임피던스 기반 국부손상검색기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 서울 교육문화회관, 2007. 4.
김재민, 김영상, 김현우, 서동남, 윤정방, “FBG 센서를 내장한 스마트 강연선 개발”, 한국전산구조공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 서울 교육문화회관, 2007. 4.
박승희, 조수진, 윤정방, 이진학, 박우선, “해양 구조물의 부식손상 검색을 위한 임피던스 기반 건전성 감시기술”, 한국해양공학회, 서울, 2007. 5.
박현준, 구기영, 윤정방, “스마트 FBG 센서를 활용한 동적 변형률 기반의 강 구조물 손상검색”, 한국강구조학회학술대회, 제주, 2007. 6.
박승희, 윤정방, D. J. Inman, “Electro-mechanical 임피던스 센서를 이용하는 강 구조물의 손상 검색 기법”, 한국강구조학회 춘계학술대회, 제주, 2007. 6.
구기영, 이종재, 윤정방, 박휘립, 허용학, “강박스 거더교의 상시 온도변화 상태의 모드유연도 행렬기반의 손상탐색기법” 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회, 제주, 2007. 6
이종재, 조수진, 윤정방, 이창근, 이원태, “실시간 영상처리 기법을 활용한 강교량의 동적변위 계측 및 내하력 산정”, 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회, 제주, 2007. 6
구기영, 이종재, 윤정방. “상시 온도변화 효과를 고려한 모드 유연도행렬 기반의 교량의 손상탐색기법” 전산구조공학회 학술발표대회, 2007.6
정명진, Tadanobu Sato, 윤정방, “Monte Carlo Filter 기법을 이용한 구조물의 강성변화의 추정”, 2007년 한국지진공학회 Workshop, 한국전력연구원, 대전, 2007.9.7.
민지영, 신성우, 윤정방, J.S. Popovics, “콘크리트 구조물의 균열 깊이 추정을 위한 스펙트럼 에너지 투과기법”, 대한토목학회 학술발표대회, 대구, 2007. 10.
박현준, 구기영, 윤정방, “광섬유 브래그 격자 센서를 활용한 강 구조물의 손상검색”, 한국해양공학회학술대회, 대전, 2007. 11.
박승희, 조수진, 윤정방, 이진학, 박우선, “해양 구조물의 부식손상 검색을 위한 임피던스 기반 건전성 감시기술”, 한국해양공학회학술대회, 대전, 2007. 11.
박현준, 구기영, 이종재, 윤정방, “3.5세대 이동통신기술을 이용한 원격제어모니터링 시스템 구축”, 대한토목학회 추계학술대회, 대전, 2008, 10.
조수진, 윤정방, Jerome P. Lynch, “장대교량의 케이블을 위한 무선장력계측시스템 개발”, 대한토목학회 추계학술대회, 대전, 2008, 10.
박현준, 손훈, 정철, 권일범, 윤정방, “레이저 및 광전자소자를 활용한 압전센서의 무선 가진 시스템 개발” 한국전산구조공학회 춘계학술대회, 정선, 2009. 4
박현준, 손훈, 정철, 권일범, 윤정방, “유도파 기반 구조물 건전성 감시를 위한 압전소자의 무선 가진 시스템 개발” 한국강구조공학회 학술대회, 대전, 2009. 5
조수진, 이진학, 윤정방, “상시진동 계측자료로부터 교량의 정적 변위 추정을 위한 2단계 모델개선방법”, 2009년도 한국소음진동공학회 춘계 학술발표회, pp 547-548, 속초, 2009.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Byunghun Song, “Development of a Wireless Impedance Sensor Node for Structural Health Monitoring”, The Proceedings of the KSSC Conference, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 2009, 5.
조수진, 정형조, 윤정방, B. F. Spencer Jr., “스마트 무선 센서를 이용한 사장교 구조 건전성 모니터링 테스트베드”, 2009년 대한토목학회 학술발표회, pp. 344-347, 평창, 2009. 10.
이창근, 조수진, 이종재, 윤정방, “스마트 내하력 평가 기법 실용화 연구”, 2009년도 대한토목학회 학술발표회, pp. 127-130, 평창, 2009. 10.
박현준, 윤정방, 박진순, “광섬유 FBG 센서를 활용한 조류발전시설물의 거동 분석 및 손상검색”, 한국소음진동공학회 학술대회, 목포, 2009. 10
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Byunghun Song, “Damage Diagnosis for Civil Structural Components Using Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes”, The Proceedings of the KSCE Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2009, 10.
Jiyoung Min, Chung-Bang Yun and Kwang Soo Lee, “E/M Impedance-based SHM Using Piezoelectric Sensors for Tidal Current Power Plant Structure”, The Proceedings of the KSNVE Conference, Mokpo, Republic of Korea, 2009, 10.
박현준, 윤정방, 이종재, 신민호, 박수열, “철도교량의 구조건전성 모니터링 시스템 개발”, 한국철도학회, 제주, 2009. 11.
박현준, 백인수, Michael Lee, 윤정방, “진동대 실험을 통한 실제 풍력발전구조물의 특성 추정”, 한국지진공학회, 강원, 2010. 3.
민지영, 박승희, 윤정방, “기전 임피던스 기반 구조물 건전성 모니터링을 위한 인공신경망기법을 이용한 주파수 대역 결정의 자동화”, 지진공학회 봄정기학술대회, 강원대학교, 2010. 03.
T.T.Chung, S.J. Cho, C.B. Yun, “Modal Identification of Guangzhou New TV Tower”, 지진공학회 추계정기학술대회, 제주, 2010.9.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Hyojin Sim, “Wireless Impedance-based Steel Bridge Health Monitoring Incorporating Neural Networks”, The Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (KOSEIK) Conference, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 2010.4.
박종웅, 조수진, 정형조, 윤정방, 서주원, “사장교 구조 건전성 모니터링을 위한 스마트 무선 센서 시스템”, 한국전산구조공학회, 제주, 2010.4.
박현준, 백인수, Michael Lee, 윤정방, “65kW 풍력발전구조물의 지진에 관한 실험 연구”, 한국풍력에너지학회, 군산, 2010. 5.
심효진, 민지영, 윤정방, 이진학, “압전센서-기전 임피던스 기반 시험조류발전소 구조물의 장기거동 모니터링”, 대한토목학회, 인천, 2010.10.
진승섭, 이종재, 전용형, 이정화, 윤정방, “교량의 상시 진동 계측을 위한 무선 센서 적용 및 가능성”, 대한토목학회, 인천, 2010.10.
심효진, 민지영, 윤정방, “주성분 분석을 이용한 임피던스 기반 구조물 건전성 모니터링의 온도보상기법”, 전산구조공학회, 부산, 2011.04.
조수진, 박종웅, 정형조, 윤정방, “스마트 무선 센서를 이용한 태풍 곤파스 발생 시의 사장교 응답 계측 및 해석”, 지진공학회, 대전, 2011.09.
조수진, 임진석, 신성우, 정형조, 윤정방, Ming L. Wang, “시공 중 사장교 실측을 통한 케이블 장력 추정 기법 비교 연구”, 전산구조공학회, 부산, 2011.04.
Domestic Journal Papers
현창헌, 윤정방, “랜덤 풍하중에 대한 사장교의 동력학적 연구”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 4, No. 4, P. 59-66, 1984.
한남수, 윤정방, “해저자원개발을 위한 Riser의 동력학적 연구”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 4, No. 2, P. 65-75, 1984.
유정선, 윤정방, “파랑하중에 대한 guyed tower의 동적해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 87-94, 1985.
윤정방, 최정호, 류정수, “불규칙파에 대한 고정해양구조물의 동적해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 5, No. 2, P. 1-9, 1985.
홍규선, 윤정방, “복합모형을 이용한 점탄성지반의 지반-구조물 상관관계”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 35-41, 1986.
류정수, 윤정방, “해양구조물의 피로해석시 랜덤응력의 bandwidth의 영향”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 6, No. 2, P. 85-91, 1986.
이창근, 윤정방, “벽면의 유연성을 고려한 액체저장 탱크의 지진해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 7, No. 4, P. 21-29, 1987.
유정선, 윤정방, “랜덤파랑하중에 대한 guyed tower의 동적거동해석”, 한국해양공학회지, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 57-64, 1987.
편종근, 박우선, 윤정방, “Morison 방정식을 이용한 tension leg platform 의 동적해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 223-228, 1987.
윤정방, 현창헌, 류제남, “랜덤 풍하중에 대한 현수교의 기하학적 비선형거동의 동적해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 185-196, 1988.
박우선, 윤정방, 편종근, “파랑하중 산정을 위한 무한요소”, 한국해안해양공학회지, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 71-80, 1989.
윤정방, “선형구조계의 동특성 추정법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 4, P. 111-116, 1989.
윤정방, M. Shinozuka, “구조물의 동특성 추정방법에 관한 연구”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 2, P. 113-119, 1989.
양신추, 윤정방, 이인모, “지반-구조물의 상호작용해석을 위한 무한요소”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 3, P. 85-95, 1989.
민진기, 김형기, 홍규선, 윤정방, “구조물 손상의 추정을 위한 inverse modal perturbation”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 10, No. 4, P. 35-42, 1990.
이창근, 윤정방, “순차적 예측오차방법에 의한 모우드계수 추정”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 3, No. 4, P. 143-148, 1990.
박우선, 윤정방, 편종근, “Three-dimensional infinite elements for wave force evaluation on offshore structures”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 4, No. 4, P. 135-144, 1991.
윤정방, 손은진, “주구조물과 설비의 상호작용을 고려한 층응답스펙트럼의 추계론적 작성법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 11, No. 1, P. 37-43, 1991.
박우선, 윤정방, “대규모 폭풍에 대한 tension leg platform의 신뢰도 해석”, 한국해양공학회지, Vol. 5, No. 1, P. 16-24, 1991.
유정선, 윤정방, 강성후, “해양 가이드 타워의 고정말뚝에 대한 신뢰도 해석”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 4, No. 3, P. 117-127, 1991.
양신추, 윤정방, “지반-구조물 상호작용해석을 위한 동적 무한요소”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 11, No. 3, P. 47-58, 1991.
유정선, 윤정방, “해양구조물의 진전하는 피로파괴에 대한 신뢰도 해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 12, No. 1, P. 51-58, 1992.
홍규선, 윤정방, 유정선, “2차 모우드 섭정법에 의한 구조물의 손상도 추정”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 5, No. 3, P. 119-126, 1992.
김영석, 김재민, 전영선, 윤정방, “유체요소를 이용한 직사각형 유체 저장구조물의 지진해석”, 한국해양공학회지, Vol. 6, No. 2, P. 206-214, 1992.
윤정방, 김영석, 김재민, 김진웅, 서정문, 전영선, “액체 저장구조물의 유체 구조물 상호작용 해석”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 103-111, 1992.
홍규선, 윤정방, “구조물의 동특성 추정을 위한 개선된 주파수 영역기법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 13, No. 2, P. 1-10, 1993.
류정선, 윤정방, “지진과 파랑하중을 동시에 받는 해양 가이드 타워의 비정상 동적응답해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 13, No. 4, P. 65-75, 1993.
윤정방, 현창헌, 공정식, 윤재석, “층간의 상관관계를 고려한 다중 층응답스펙트럼해석”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 6, No. 4, P. 67-72, 1993.
윤정방, 이형진, “구조물의 자유진동특성 추정을 위한 실험적 연구”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 7, No. 4, P. 137-144, 1994.
김재민, 윤정방, “다층 반무한지반에서 지반-구조물 상호작용 해석을 위한 동적무한요소”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 15, No. 1, P. 51-62, 1995.
윤정방, 김재민, 김문수, 현창헌, “지진실험용 Hualien 대형구조물의 강제진동시험에 대한 상관해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 15, No. 5, P. 1149-1158, 1995.
윤정방, 김재민, 박경래, 윤철호, “지진시험용 Hualien 대형구조물의 선형지진응답해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 16, No. 1, P. 13-21, 1996.
전영선, 윤정방, “내부물체를 갖는 사각형수조내 유체의 고유진동수”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 55-64, 1996.
박창호, 윤정방, 이동근, 김진근, “보의 비탄성거동에 미치는 중력하중의 영향”, 대한건축학회논문집, Vol. 12, No. 3, P. 153-163, 1996.
윤정방, 김두기, “민감도행렬을 사용한 구조물의 손상추정법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 9, No. 4, P. 117-126, 1996.
윤정방, 이동근, 정진상, 김두기, “지하철 운행하중에 대한 인접구조물의 진동해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 17, No. 1, P. 25-34, 1997.
윤정방, 최준성, 김재민, 김문수, “지반-구조물 상호작용계의 강성계수추정 및 비선형지진해석”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 41-49, 1997.
송종걸, 윤정방, 이동근, “지진에 의한 강구조물의 피로손상도 추정법”, 한국강구조학회지, Vol. 9, No. 1, P. 95-105, 1997.
윤정방, 김두기, 김유진, 이종원, “무한요소를 사용한 층상지반에 놓인 스트립기초의 진동해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 17, No. I-2, P. 271-282, 1997.
이동근, 송종걸, 윤정방, “지진에 대한 고층구조물의 시스템연성요구도 평가방법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 17, No. I-1, P. 245-257, 1997.
윤정방, 이형진, “부분구조추정법을 이용한 대형구조물의 효율적인 구조안전도 모니터링”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 1, No. 6, P. 1-15, 1997.
윤정방, 김두기, 양신추, 오우영, “교량구간에서의 열차하중산정 및 진동의 지반전파해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 17, No. I-4, P. 455-467, 1997.
윤정방, 정우정, 김남식, 김두훈, “기초격리된 구조물의 내진성능평가를 위한 실험기법”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 1, No. 4, P. 45-57, 1997.
송종걸, 윤정방, 이동근, “강구조물의 구조요소 및 구조계에 대한 지진손상도 해석”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 1, P. 95-111, 1998.
방은영, 이진학, 윤정방, “신경망을 이용한 구조물의 접합부의 손상도 추정”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 1, P. 35-46, 1998.
윤정방, 김두기, “지반-구조물 상호작용해석을 위한 해석적 주파수종속 2차원 무한요소”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 18, No. 1, P. 1-11, 1998.
곽효경, 윤정방, 이형진, 이석용, “PC 지하주차장 구조물의 거동분석을 위한 실험적 연구”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 18, No. 1, P. 97-100, 1998.
윤정방, 김재민, 박경래, 최준성, “유한요소 및 무한요소를 사용한 수직입사 지진파에 의한 축대칭 지반-구조물의 진동해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 18, No. 1, P. 25-39, 1998.
이진학, 오세붕, 윤정방, 홍섭, 김진하, “지반의 강성특성을 고려한 지반-돌핀구조계의 동적해석”, 한국해양공학회지, Vol. 12, No. 3, P. 19-30, 1998.
윤정방, 송종걸, 김유진, “기설구조물의 손상도 및 내진능력 평가방법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 41, No. 3, P. 199-212, 1998.
정우정, 윤정방, 김남식, 서주원, “Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Base-Isolated Bridge”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 2, No. 3, P. 51-60, 1998.
김두기, 윤정방, “해석적 주파수종속 2차원 무한요소를 사용한 시간영역에서의 지반-구조물 상호작용의 해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 18, No. I-6, P. 863-876, 1998.
윤정방, 방은영, “신경망기법을 사용한 부분구조추정법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 11, No. 4, P. 233-243, 1998.
윤정방, 김상범, ” 대형구조물의 진동 감소를 위한 슬라이딩 모드 퍼지 제어기의 설계”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 3, No. 3, P. 63-73, 1999.
윤정방, 이진학, 방은영, “구조물 손상평가를 위한 접합부 손상모델 및 신경망 기법에 관한 연구”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 3, No. 3, P. 9-19, 1999.
김영석, 임종성, 윤정방, 김두훈, “PTFE 활동판-고무링 지진격리받침이 설치된 교량의 진동대 실험 및 단순해석법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 19, No. 1-6, P. 899-906, 1999.
김재민, 이형진, 윤정방, “상시진동 계측기록을 이용한 구조재해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 6-A, P. 913-925, 2000.
김재민, 윤정방, 김두기, “유한요소와 무한요소를 사용한 2차원 선형지반-구조물계의 지진응답해석법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 13, No. 2, P. 231-244, 2000.
윤정방, 이종원, 박동욱, 김재동, “교통하중에 의한 상시미진동을 이용한 교량 모드특성 추정기법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 4-A, P. 597-605, 2000.
최준성, 윤정방, 김재민, 이종세, “지반의 비선형성을 고려한 Hualien 대형지진 실험구조물의 지진해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 4-A, P. 597-605, 2000.
윤정방, 김재민, 장수혁, 이종세, “수평 지진하중에 대한 원통형 유체저장 탱크의 유체-구조물-지반 상호작용을 고려한 동적해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 5-A, P. 691-705, 2000.
최준성, 윤정방, 김재모, 이종세, “강제진동 시험자료를 사용한 화련 지반-구조물 상호 작용계의 미지계수 추정”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 5-A, P. 831-841, 2000.
윤정방, 이진학, 이종원, 김재동, 정환욱, “교통하중에 의한 상시진동기록을 이용한 교량의 손상추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 14, No. 1, P. 77-85, 2001.
김두기, 윤정방, 김두훈, “유한요소과 무한요소를 사용한 2차원 지반-구조물계의 시간영역에서의 지진응답해석”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 21, No. 4-A, P. 425-433, 2001.
최준성, 이종세, 윤정방, 현창헌, “지진응답 자료를 사용한 지반-구조물 상호작용계의 미지계수 추정”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 21, No. 5-A, P. 739-752, 2001.
김상범, 윤정방, “Wind-induced vibration control using sliding mode fuzzy control”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, P. 215-221, 2001.
전영선, 윤정방, “섭동법을 사용한 사각형 유체저장 탱크의 비선형 유동해석”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 6, No. 6, P. 55-64, 2002.
최준성, 이종세, 윤정방, “계측된 지진 응답비를 사용한 지반-구조물 상호작용계의 강성과 지진압력가속도의 추정”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 22, No. 6-A, P. 1421-1433, 2002.
이진학, 윤정방, “구조계 규명기법을 이용한 프레임 구조물의 수치해석모델 개선 및 접합수의 손상도 평가”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 22, No. 6-A, P. 1271-1283, 2002.
이진학, 윤정방, “구조물의 응답자료만을 이용한 모드계수 추정법에 관한 비교연구”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 23, No. 2A, P. 187-201, 2003.
J-T. Kim, C-B. Yun, and J-H. Yi, “Temperature effects on frequency-based damage detection in plate-girder Bridges”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 6, P. 725-733, 2003.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, S-K. Kim and J-W. Kim, “Recent R&D activities on structural health monitoring for civil infra-structures in Korea”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 6, P. 637-651, 2003.
이진학, 김상훈, 윤정방, “지진취약도 분석을 위한 확률밀도함수 보간기법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 24, No. 2A, P. 391-399, 2004.
박승희, 이진학, 윤정방, 노용래, “Impedance-based damage detection for civil infrastructures”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, P. 425-433, 2004.
이진학, 구기영, 김남식, 윤정방, “확장형 칼만필터를 이용한 케이블의 동특성 추정”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 24, No. 6A, P. 1267-1274, 2004.
이진학, 윤진영, 윤정방, “지진취약도 분석을 통한 교량의 지진위험도 평가”, 한국지진공학회논문집, Vol. 8, No. 6, P. 31-43, 2004.
윤정방, 이진학, 이종재, 이정식, 전귀현, “유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 모드기반 교량의 해석 모델개선”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 17, No. 4, P. 389-403, 2004.
박승희, 이종재, 윤정방, 노용래, “강 구조물 접합부의 건전성 감시를 위한 램 웨이브와 확률신경망의 적용”, 한국소음진동공학회논문집, Vol. 15, No. 1, P. 53-62, 2005.
이종재, 이종원, 윤정방, “상시진동 데이터를 이용한 교량의 손상추정기법”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 25, No. 2A, P. 375-385, 2005.
박승희, 윤정방, 노용래, “강 구조물의 손상 검색을 위한 램 웨이브와 웨이블렛 계수의 효율적인 사용”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 25, No. 3A, P. 521-530, 2005.
김상범, 스펜서, 윤정방, “해석적인 정보를 고려한 다중입력을 받는 다자유도계 구조물의 시스템 규명 기법 개발”, 한국소음진동공학회논문집, Vol. 15, No. 6, P. 712-717, 2005.
S-H. Park , C-B. Yun , Y-R. Roh, “Active sensing-based real-time nondestructive evaluations for steel bridge members”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, P. 33-39, 2006.
이종재, 윤정방, “해석모델의 불확실성을 고려한 교량의 손상추정기법”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 19, No. 2, P. 125-138, 2006.
조수진, 이진학, 이창근, 윤정방, “상시진동계측에 의한 교량의 공용내하력 평가”, 대한토목학회논문집, Vol. 27, No. 1A, P. 79-89, 2007.
서춘교, 윤정방, 김재민, “3차원 지반-구조물 상호작용해석을 위한 입방형 무한요소”, 한국전산구조공학회논문집, Vol. 20, No. 1, P. 39-50, 2007.
J-J. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Damage localization for bridges using probabilistic neural networks”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, P. 111-120, 2007.
신성우, 민지영, 윤정방, J.S. Popovics, “콘크리트 구조물의 균열 깊이 추정을 위한 스펙트럼 에너지 기법”, 비파괴검사학회지, Vol. 27, No. 2, P. 164-172, 2007.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and Daniel J. Inman, “Remote impedance-based loose bolt inspection using a radio-frequency active sensing node”, Journal of the Korean Society of Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 27, No. 3, P. 217-223, 2007.
서춘교, 윤정방, 김재민, “방사형 3차원 동탄성 무한요소”, 대한토목학회 논문집, Vol. 27, No. 5A, P. 701-711, 2007.
구기영, 이진학, 윤정방, “부분구조계 규명기법을 이용한 보 구조물의 구조건전성 평가”, 대한토목학회 논문집, Vol. 27, No. 5A, P. 691-699, 2007.
J-Y. Min, J-H. Kim, H-G. Kwak, and C-B. Yun, ” 철근 콘크리트 부재의 균열 깊이 측정을 위한 표면파 투과기법의 적용 및 개선”, 비파괴검사학회지, Vol. 28, No. 2, P. 164-176, 2008.
이종재, 박영수, 윤정방, 구기영, 이진학, “교량 건전성 모니터링을 위한 정보처리기법”, 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 1, No. 6, P. 1-8, 2008.
H-J. Shim, J-Y. Min, C-B. Yun and S-W. Shin, “Impedance-based damage diagnosis on bolt-jointed structure under varying temperature”, Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing, Vol. 42. No. 3, P. 260-270, 2011.
민지영, 심효진, 윤정방, 이진학, “잡음 환경 하에서의 전기-역학적 임피던스 기반 조류발전 구조물의 장기 건전성 모니터링”, 한국해양공학회지, Vol. 25, No. 4, P. 59-65, 2011.
민지영, 김유청, 윤정방, 이진학, “온도 및 하중 영향을 고려한 임피던스 기반 조류발전용 재킷 구조물의 장기 건전성 모니터링”, 대한토목학회 논문집, Vol. 31, No. 5A, P. 351-360, 2011.
박현준, 구기영, 이진학, 윤정방, “광섬유 브래그 격자센서를 활용한 재킷식 해양구조물의 손상 감지 기법 개발”, 대한토목학회 논문집, Vol. 31, No. 6A, P. 399-464, 2011.
International Conference Papers
R. F. Drenick and C-B. Yun, “Prediction of Earthquake Resistance”, ASCE Annual Convention, USA, 1977, 10
M. Shinozuka and C-B. Yun, “Modeling Uncertainties and Indentification”, ASCE Spring Cenvention, Pittburgh,PA, USA, 1978, 4
C-B. Yun and M. Shinozuka, “Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems”, ASCE, Third EMD Specialty Conference, Austin,TX, USA, 1979, 9
C-B. Yun and J-S. Ryu, “Fatigue Analysis of Fixed Offshore Structures Subjected to Random Waves”, International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan, 1986, 5
C-K. Pyun, W-S. Park, and C-B. Yun, “Dynamic Analysis of the Tension Leg Platform Subjected to Wave Forces”, Fifth Congress Asian and Pacific Regional Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Seoul, Korea, 1986, 8
C-B. Yun and C-G. Lee, “Liquid Sloshing Effect in Flexible Storage Tanks”, Fifth Congress Asian and Pacific Regional Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Seoul, Korea, 1986, 8
C-B. Yun and J-S. Ryu, “Nonlinear Stochastic Analysis of Guyed Tower”, Sixth International Symposium on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Houston, USA, 1987, 3
M. Shinozuka, C-B. Yun and H. Seya, “Stochastic Methods in Wind Engineering”, Sixth U.S. National Conference on Wind Engineering, Houston, TX, USA, 1989, 3
C-B. Yun and E-J. Son, “Floor Response Spectra Including Structure-Equipment Interaction Effects”, ASCE-Structural Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1989, 5
C-B. Yun, W-J. Kim, and A. H-S. Ang, “Damage Assessment of Bridge Structures by System Indentification”, Fifth International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1989, 8
W-S. Park and C-B. Yun, “Infinite Elements for Diffraction and Radiation Problems of Water Waves”, First Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 1990, 6
C-S. Yoo and C-B. Yun, “Reliability of Anchor Pile of Offshore Guyed Tower”, First Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 1990, 6
H-N. Cho, C-B. Yun, M. Shinozuka, and A. H-S. Ang, “A Reliability-Based Capacity Rating of Existing Bridges by Incoperating System Identification”, Forth Rail Bridge Centenary Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1990, 8
C-H. Hyun, C-B. Yun, and M. Shinozuka, “Nonstationary Analysis of Suspension Bridges for Multiple Support Excitations”, Forth Rail Bridge Centenary Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1990, 8
C-B. Yun and S-C. Yang, “Infinite Elements for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis”, Third East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constructions, Shanghai, China, 1991, 4
J-S. Ryu, C-B. Yun, and H-N. Cho, “Improved Methods for Reliability Evaluations of Series Systems”, International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Maxico City, Mexico, 1991, 6
W-S. Park, C-B. Yun and B-K. Yun, “Reliability Analysis of Tension Leg Platforms by Domain Crossing Approach”, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1991, 8
C-B. Yun, C-G. Lee and H-N. Cho, “Identification of Structural Dymanic Systems by Sequential Prediction Error Method”, International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics, Corfu, Greece, 1991, 9
C-S. Ryu and C-B. Yun, “Nonstationary Response Analysis of Offshore Guyed Tower Subjeted to Earthquake Loadings”, ISOPE Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1992, 6
C-B. Yun, C-G. Lee and H-J. Lee, “Parameter Estimation of Structural Dymanic Systems”, ASCE Special Conference on Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering, Denver, CO, USA, 1992, 7
C-B. Yun, Y-S. Kim and J-M. Kim, J-W. Kim, J-M. Seo and Y-S. Choun, “Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis for Spent Fuel Storage Structures”, Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 1992, 7
C-B. Yun, “Identification of Linear Structural Dymanic Systems by Sequential Prediction Error Method”, First Int’l Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Yokohama, Japan, 1992, 9
C-B. Yun, C-K. Kong and C-H. Hyun, “Floor Response Spectra Analysis Including Correlations of Multiple Support Motions”, ASCE-Structures Congress XI, Irvine, CA, USA, 1993, 4
C-B. Yun and K-S. Hong, “Improved Frequency Domain Identifications of Structures”, 6th International Conference on Structual Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR ’93), Innsbruck, Austria, 1993, 8
C-B. Yun, J-M. Kim and S-C. Yang, “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Using Infinite Elements : Simulation of Forced Vibration and Earthquake Responses”, 4th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constructions (EASEC-4), Seoul, Korea, 1993, 9
K-S. Hong and C-B. Yun, “Damage Assessment of Structures by Iterative Inverse Modal Perturbation Method”, Seoul, Korea, September, 1993.”, 4th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constructions (EASEC-4), Seoul, Korea, 1993, 9
C-B. Yun, J-M. Kim, and S-C. Yang, “Approximate Wave Functions of Dynamic Infinite Elements for Multi-Layered Halfspaces”, PCCE ’93, Seoul, Korea, 1993, 11
C.B.Yun, H.J.Lee and D.K.Kim, “Damage Estimation of Structures Incorporating Structural Identification”, Sino-US symposium/workshop on post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction, Kunming, China, 1995, 5
C.B.Yun, J.M.Kim, M.S.Kim and C.H.Hyun, “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of the Hualien Large Scale Seismic Test Structure : Forced Vibration Response”, EASEC-5, Gold Coast, Australia, 1995.
C.B.Yun, K.L.Park, J.M.Kim and C.H.Yun, “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of the Hualien Large Scale Seismic Test Structure : Earthquake Response”, EASEC-5, Gold Coast, Australia, 1995, 7
C.B.Yun and H.J.Lee, “Estimation of Local Structural Parameters Using Substructural Identification”, Int’l Symposium on Public Infrastructure systems Research, Seoul, Korea, 1995, 9
C.B.Yun and H.J.Lee, “Damage Estimation of Structures Incorporating Substructural Identification”, APSSRA 95, Tokyo, Japan, 1995, 11
C.B.Yun and H.J.Lee, “Damage Estimation Using Substructural Identification in Time Domain”, Proc. of the 7th ASCE Special Conf. on Prob. Mech. & Struct. Reliability, Worcester, Mass, USA, 1996, 8
C.B.Yun, H.J.Lee and C.G.Lee, “Efficient Damage Assessment of Structures Using Substructural Identification”, Proc. of the 3rd APCOM, Seoul, Korea, 1996, 9
C.B.Yun, and E.Y.Bahng, “Substructural Identification of Structures Using Neural Networks”, NSF Workshop on Structural Reliability in Bridge Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1996, 10
C.B.Yun and E.Y.Bahng, “Identification of Offshore Structures Using Neural Networks”, Fifth Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Pusan, Korea, 1996, 10
C.B.Yun, J.S.Choi and J.M.Kim, “Earthquake analysis of a large scale seismic test structure considering nonlinear soil behavior”, Int’l Conf. on Computing on Civil and Building Engineering, Serial. 7, Seoul, Korea, P. 2029-2034, 1997
CB Yun, JS Choi, JM KIm, “Earthquake Response Analysis of a Large Scale Seismic Test Structure Using Updated Soil-Structure Properties” Based on Vibration Test Data”, Proc. of the Int’l Conf. Structural Safety and Reliability, Kyoto, Japan, 1997, 11
C.B. Yun, E.Y. Bahng, D.G. Lee, “Structural Identification using neural network”, The 7th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliabiity, Kyoto, Japan, P. 509-512, 1997, 11
C-B. Yun and E.Y.Bahng, “Substructural Identification of Offshore Structures Using Neural Networks”, Seventh Int’l Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, 1997, 5
HG Kwak, CB Yun, HJ Lee, SY Lee, “Site Instrumentation for Assessment of Precast Concrete Parking Garage”, 7th Int’l Conf. on Computing on Civil and Building Engineering, Serial. 7, Seoul, Korea, P. 119-124, 1997, 8
DG Lee, JK Song, CB Yun, “System-Level Nonlinear Seismic Response Characteristics of Steel Structures”, 7th Int’l Conf. on Computing on Civil and Building Engineering, Serial. 7, Seoul, Korea, P. 1277-1282, 1997, 8
C-B. Yun, W-J. Chung, N-S. Kim, J-W. Seo, “Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Base-Isolated Structures”, Proc. of the Six East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998, 1.
C-B. Yun, S-B. Kim, “Vibration control of large structures using sliding mode fuzzy control”, Proc. of the Six East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998, 1.
C-B. Yun, S-K. Kim, “Seismic Hazard in Korea”, 1st Asia-Pasific Workshop on Research Coalitin for Earthquake Disaster Management, Serial. 1, Miki-city, Japan, 1998, 3.
C-B. Yun, E-Y. Bahng, “Neural Network Approach to Damage Assessment of Civil Structures”, Proc, of 1998 Structural Engineers World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1998, 7.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, E-Y. Bahng, “Damage Estimation of Structures Using Neural Networks”, US-Japan Joint Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification and Health Monitoring, Hawaii, USA, 1998, 10.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, E-Y. Bahng, “Joint Damage Estimation for Steel Structures Using Neural Networks”, 5th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Seoul, Korea, 1998, 10.
C-B. Yun, D-H. Kim, Y-S. Kim, “Research and Application Activities on Base Isolation and Structural Control in Korea”, Multi-lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and its Intefration for the Asia-Pacific Region, Kobe, Japan, 1998, 10.
C-B. Yun, D-K. Kim, “Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in Time Domain Based on Analytical Frequency-Depent Infinite Elements in Two-Dimensional Medium”, The 8th KKNN Seminar on Civil Engineering, Singapore, 1998, 11-12.
C-B. Yun, “On Infinite Element Formulation for Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis”, Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Serial. 7, Kochi, Japan, 1999.
C-B. Yun, D-U. Park, E-S. Kim, J-W. Lee and J-D. Kim, “Structure Identification of Bridge Based on Traffic Induced Vibration Data”, Second US-Japan Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification and Health monitoring, Serial. 2, Osaka, Japan, 1999.
Y-S. Kim, H-B. Kim, J-S. Im, C-B. Yun, D-H. Kim and G-Y. Chung, “Nonlinear Response Spectra for Bridges with Sliding Type Isolation System”, Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Serial. 7, Kochi, Japan, 1999.
C-B. Yun, E-Y. Bahng and J-H. Yi, “Damage Assessment of Structural Joints by Neural Networks Technique”, Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.
C-B. Yun, K-J. Lee, J-H. Yi, and H-J. Lee, “Damage Assessment of Structural Joints by Neural Networks and Nonlinear Damage Identification Using Modified Extended Kalman Filter”, Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on System Identification Methods for Safety Assessments of Civil Structures, Kyungju, Korea, P. 279-280, 1999, 3.
S-B. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Vibration Control of Large Structures Using Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control”, International Post-SMiRT Conference on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, Jeju, Korea, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun and S-B. Kim, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control-Verification on a Benchmark Structure”, the 12th KKNN Seminar/Workshop on Civil Engineering, Serial. 12, Daejon, Korea, P. 213-218, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-S. Choi and J-M. Kim, “Earthquake Analysis of Hualien Large Scale Seismic Test Structure Considering Nonlinear Soil Behavior”, 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Serial. 15, Seoul, Korea, P. 59-66, 1999, 8.
D-K. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Time Domain Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis for Earthquake Loadings Based on Analytical Frequency-Dependent Infinite Elements”, 1st Int’l Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Serial. 1, Seoul, Korea, 1999, 8.
B. Yoo, H-M. Koh, C-B. Yun, N-S. Kim, D-H. Kim, G-S. Jeon and B-S. Kim, “Applications and Development in Base Isolation and Passive Energy Dissipation for Civil and Industrial Structures in Korea”, Int’l Post-SMiRT Conference Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, Jeju, Korea, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-S. Choi and J-M. Kim, “Earthquake Analysis of Hualien Large Scale Seismic Test Structure Considering Nonlinear Soil Behavior”, 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Serial. 15, Seoul, Korea, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun, D-H. Kim, Y-S. Kim and N-S. Kim, “Recent Research and Application Activities on Base Isolation and Structural Control in Korea”, US-Korea Workshop on New Frontiers in Infrastructural/Seismic Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun, W-J. Chung, N-S. Kim and J-W. Seo, “Seismic Simulation Tests on LRB and Dampers Isolated Bridge”, International Post-SMiRT Conference on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures, Jeju, Korea, 1999, 8.
C-B. Yun and J-H. Yi, “Damage Assessment of Structural Joints Using System Identification Techniques”, First China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, Serial. 1, Xian, China, P. 398-405, 1999, 11.
J-M. Kim, C-B. Yun and S-H. Chang, “Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction Analysis for Embedded Cylindrical Liquid Storage Structure”, Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Serial. 4, Singapore, 1999, 12.
C-B. Yun, Y-S. Kim, J-W. Park, H-O. Kwon and D-H. Kim, “Applications of Friction Pot Buildings to Aseismic Designs of Bridges”, Workshop on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Asia Pacific Reigion, Serial. 3, Manila, Philippines, 2000.
J-H. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Iterative Inverse Modal Perturbation Technique for Structural Joint Damage Assessment”, International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC 2000), Serial. 18, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2000, 2.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Chang and J-M. Kim, “3-D Axisymmetric Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction Analysis Using Mixed-Fluid-Element and Infinite-Element”, Specialty Conference on Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Austin, Texas, USA, 2000, 5.
C-B. Yun and S-B. Kim, “Adaptive One-Step-Ahead Predictor to generate Fictitious Wind Force for Wind-Induced Vibration Control”, International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulation, Monaco, 2000, 6.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Lee, J-M. Shim, J-W. Lee and J-D. Kim, “Damage Estimation for Bridge Model under Traffic Loadings”, ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Serial. 2, Notre Dame, USA, 2000, 7.
S-B. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control with Adaptive Least Mean Squares Filter for Benchmark Problem on Wind-excited Building”, ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Serial. 8, Notre Dame, USA, 2000, 7.
S-B. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control with Disturbance Estimator for Wind-Induced Vibration Control”, European Conference on Structural Control, Serial. 8, Paris, France, 2000, 7.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Lee, J-M. Shim, J-D. Kim and J-W. Lee, “Health Monitoring of Bridge under Ordinary Traffic Loadings”, US-Japan Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification and Health Monitoring, Serial. 3, LA, USA, 2000, 10.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Lee, J-J. Lee and J-D. Kim, “Modal Parameter Identification Methods without Input Information : A Comparative Study”, International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Serial. 1, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000, 12.
C-B. Yun, I-W. Lee, D-U. Park and E. Watanabe, “Remote Parallel Pseudo-dynamic Testing on Base-isolated Bridge using Internet”, KKNN Symposium, Serial. 13, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000, 12.
C-B. Yun, “Design of Magneto-Rheological Dampers for Wind Vibration Control of Tall Building”, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Smart Materials & Structures, Serial. 1, 2001.
C-B. Yun, Y-S. Kim, J-W. Park, H-O. Kwon and D-H. Kim, “Applications of Friction Pot Bearings to Aseismic Designs of Bridges”, ASCE JBSC, Serial. 5, Rome, Italy, 2001.
E. Watanabe, C-B. Yun, J. Kiyono, K. Nagata, “Development of Earthquake Resistance of Infrastructures Reflecting the Local Characteristics”, EQTAP workshop, Serial. 4, Kamakura, Japan, 2001, 12.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi and J-J. Lee, “Modal Parameter Identification Methods without Input Information: A Comparative Study”, Japan-Korea Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring, Serial. 4, Kyoto, Japan, P. 181-187, 2001, 2.
C-B. Yun, J-I. Gu and S-B. Kim, “Semi-active control of wind-induced vibration of tall building using magneto-rheological damper”, ICOSSAR, 2001, 6.
H-J. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Structural re-analysis techniques using modal properties from ambient vibration measurements”, ICOSSAR, 2001, 6.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, J-W. Lee, J-D. Kim and H-Y. Jung, “Damage Estimation Method for Bridge under Traffic Loadings”, IABSE Conference, 2001, 6.
C-B. Yun, H-Y Jung, J-J. Lee, K-Y. Koo and J-M. Shim, “Damage Estimation Method For Bridge Under Traffic Loadings”, Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Structural Briges (JSSB-JK6), Serial. 6, Kyoto, Japan, 2001, 8.
C-B. Yun, Y-S. Kim, J-W. Park, H-O. Kwon and D-H. Kim, “Applications of Friction Pot Bearings to Aseismic Designs of Bridges”, 5th World Congress on Joints, Bearings and Seismic Systems for Concrete Structures, Serial. 5, Rome, Italy, 2001, 10.
E. Watanabe, C-B. Yun, K. Sugiura, D-U. Park and K. Nagata, “On-line Interaction testing between KAIST and Kyoto University”, The Fourteenth KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 14, Kyoto, Japan, P. 369-374, 2001, 11.
C-B. Yun, J-M. Kim and S-H. Chang, “Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction Analysis of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Horizontal Earthquake Loading”, The Fourteenth KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 14, Kyoto, Japan, P. 1-6, 2001, 11.
C-S. Chang, C-B. Yun, C-G. Seo and S-W. Shin, “Earthquake Response Analysis of Bridges Considering Soil-Structure Interaction”, The Fourteenth KKNN Seminar on Civil Engineering, Serial. 14, Kyoto, Japan, P. 65-70, 2001, 11.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Chang, J-M. Kim, “Fluid-Structure-soil Interaction analysis of cylindrical liquid storage tanks using mixed-fluid element and infinite element”, Proceeding 2nd International conference on advances in structural Engineering and Mechanics, Serial. 2, Busan, Korea, 2002.
C-B. Yun J-J. Lee, J-W. Lee and H-Y. Jung, “Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Modeling Errors”, COSEIK Symposium, Korea, 2002, 4.
C-B. Yun, J-D. Kim, J-W. Lee, J-J. Lee and K-Y. Koo, “Damage Estimation Method for Bridges Using Ambient Vibration Data”, World Conference on Structural Control, Serial. 3, Como, Italy, 2002, 4.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, J-W. Lee, J-H. Yi and H-Y. Jung, “Ambient Vibration Tests for Structural Integrity Assessment of Bridges”, First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Serial. 1, Barcelona, Spain, 2002, 7.
C-B. Yun and D-K. Kim, “Time Domain Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Using Analytical Frequency-Dependent Infinite Elements”, International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Harbin, China, 2002, 8.
K-Y. Koo and C-B. Yun, “Unscented Particle Filter for Time Domain Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Systems Using Unscented Particle Filter”, Int’l Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Hong Kong, China, 2002, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, J-D. Kim, J-W. Lee, “Damage Estimation Method for Bridges Using Ambient Vibration Data”, US-Korea Workshop on Smart Structural Systems, Busan, Korea, 2002, 8.
J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, K-Y. Koo and H-Y. Jung, “Damage Estimation Method for Bridges Using Vibration Data”, Structural Engineers World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2002, 10.
J-H. lee, J-S. Choi and C-B. Yun, “Identification of Properties of soil layers and Train-Transit Loadings for Prediction of Ground Vibration”, China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization on Structural and Mechanical Systems, Serial. 2, Busan, Korea, P. 219-224, 2002, 11.
J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, K-Y. Koo and J-W. Lee, “Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection of Bridge Deck Systems on Vibration Data”, Second International Symposium on Steel Structures, Serial. 2, Seoul, Korea, P. 214-219, 2002, 11.
J-J. Lee, J-W. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Modeling Errors”, China-Japan-Korea joint symposium on optimization of structural and mechanical systems, Serial. 2, Busan, Korea, P. 507-514, 2002, 11.
C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, J-D. Kim, and K-W. Min, “Damage Estimation Method Using Committee of Neural Networks”, SPIE, Sandiago, USA, 2003, 3.
C-B. Yun, C-K. Seo, S-H. Chang, and J-S. Choi, “Earthquake Response Analysis of Long Span Bridges Considering Soil-Foundation Interaction Effects”, EqTAP, Sanghai, China, 2003, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, J-W. Lee, and J-D. Kim, “Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Errors in Baseline Finite Element Models”, CE2003, Nairobi, Kenya, 2003, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, J-W. Lee, and J-D. Kim, “Neural Networks-based Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Errors in Baseline Finite Element Models”, Korea-Japan Seminar on Steel Bridges, Serial. 7, Daejon, Korea, 2003, 8.
C-B. Yun, “Recent R&D Activities on Structural Health Monitoring for Civil Infra-structures in Korea”, International Workshop on Advanced Sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, and Smart Structures, Serial. 1, Keio Univ., Japan, 2003, 11.
K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, T. Sato, and K. Ogiyama, “Identification of Dynamic Structural System with Hysteretic Members”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 16, Gyeongju, Korea, P. 343-348, 2003, 12.
Y-R. Roh, C-B. Yun, S-H. Park, and J-H. Yi, “Impedance-based Damage Detection for Civil Infrastructures Using Smart PZT Transducers”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 16, Geyongju, Korea, P. 255-260, 2003, 12.
K. Nagata, D-U Park, E. Watanabe, C-B. Yun, and K. Sugiura, “On-Line Interactive Testing Between KAIST and Kyoto University”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 16, Geyongju, Korea, P. 115-120, 2003, 12.
D-U. Park, C-B Yun, J-W. Lee, K. Nagata, E. Watanabe, and K. Sugiura, “On-Line Pesudo-Dynamic Network Testing on Base-Isolated Bridge Using Internet and Wireless Internet”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Serial. 16, Gyeongju, Korea, P. 121-128, 2003, 12.
D-U. Park, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, K. Nagata, E. Watanabe, and K. Sugiura, “On-Line Pseudo-Dynamic Network Testing on Base-Isolated Bridge Using Internet and Wireless Internt”, EqTAP, Tokyo, Japan, 2003, 12.
C-B. Yun and J-J. Lee, “Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection for Bridges considering Errors in baseline Finite Element Models”, Korea-Japan Seminar/WS on SI/SHM, Korea, 2004, 1.
C-B. Yun and J-J. Lee, “Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Errors in Baseline Finite Element Model”, The 1st Int’l Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Serial. 1, USA, 2004, 1.
C-K. Seo, C-B. Yun, S-H. Chang and S. Ahmad, “Earthquake Response Analysis of Long Span Bridges Considering soil-Foundation Interaction Effects”, KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 3, Japan, 2004, 2.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y-R, Roh, “Damage Detection for Civil Infrastructures Using Electro-Mechanical Impedance of PZT Sensors”, KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 3, Japan, 2004, 2.
K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun and T. Sato, “Identification of Dynamic Structural System with Bilinear Hysteretic Members”, KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 3, Japan, 2004, 2.
J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun and J-Y. Youn., “Neural Network-Based Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Errors in Baseline Finite Element Models”, KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 3, Japan, 2004, 2.
D-U. Park, E. Watanabe, C-B. Yun and K. Nagata, “On-line Pseudo-Dynamic Network Testing on Base-Isolated Bridge Using Internet and Wireless Internet”, KKN Student Seminar on civil Eng. Research, Serial. 3, Awaji Island, Japan, 2004, 2.
J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun and J-H. Yi, “Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection for Bridges Using Ambient Vibration Data due to Ordinary Traffic Loadings”, Pacific Structural Steel Conf., Serial. 7, USA, 2004, 3
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun and Y-R. Roh, “Impedance-based Damage Detection for Civil Infrastructures”, SPIE 2004 SS/IDE Conf., USA, 2004, 3.
S-B. Kim, B. F. Spencer and C-B. Yun, “Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control for Smart Base-isolated Building”, EM2004, Serial. 17, USA, 2004, 6.
J-H. Yi, J-Y. Youn, Y-S. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Seismic Risk Assessment of Base-Isolated Bridges using Fragility Analysis”, APSSRA 2004, Korea, 2004, 8.
D-U. Park, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, K. Nagata, E. Watanabe and K. Sugiura, “On-Line Pseudo-Dynamic Network Testing and Simulations Using Internet and Wireless Internet”, US-Korea Joint Workshop on Smart Structures Technologies, Korea, 2004, 9.
C-B. Yun, “Recent Research & Application Activities on Smart Structure Technologies in Korea”, US-Korea Joint WS on Smart Structures Technologies, Korea, 2004, 9.
C-B. Yun, “Recent R&D Activities on Structural Health Monitoring for Bridge in Korea”, Int’l Conf. on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Serial. 2, Japan, 2004, 10.
J-H. Yi, J-Y. Youn and C-B. Yun, “Seismic Performance Evaluation of Base-Isolated Bridges Using Seismic Risk Analysis”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng., Serial. 17, Thailand, 2004, 12.
H-S. Kim, H. G. Melhem and C-B. Yun, “Structural Health Monitoring Using Wavelet Analysis”, KKCNN Symposium on Civil Eng., Serial. 17, Thailand, 2004, 12.
C-B. Yun, “Recent R&D Activities on Structural Monitoring and Control in Korea”, ISEE, Japan, 2005, 1.
S-J. Cho, J-H. Yi, C-B. Yun, “Ambient Vibration Tests for the Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
Sohaib Ahmad, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y. Roh, Adeel Riaz, “Applications of PZT Transducers for Damage Assessment In Concrete Structures”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y-R. Roh, “Health Monitoring of Steel Plates Using Lamb Waves and Supervised Learning Theory”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, “Substructural Identification of Bending Stiffness in Bridge Deck”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
C-G. Seo, C-B. Yun, “3-Dimensional Dynamic Infinite Elements for Multi-Layered Half-Space”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, Ming Liu Wang, “Statistical Detection Method of Time of Arrival and Dominant Frequency of Waves”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
D-U. Park, C-B, Yun, K. Nagata, E. Watanabe and K. Sugiura, “On-line Pseudo-dynamic Network Testings on Base-Isolated Bridges Using Web-based Java Monitoring System”, the 3rd KKN Student Seminar on Civil Eng. Research, Serial. 4, Korea, 2005, 2.
J-J. Lee, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, “Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges using Effective Two-step Identification Approaches”, SPIE, USA, 2005, 3.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y. Roh, “PZT-induced Lamb Waves and Pattern Recognitions for On-line Hearth Monitoring of Jointed Steel Plates”, SPIE, USA, 2005, 3.
S-B. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Design Methodology of Smart Base Isolation System for Benchmark Highway Bridge”, the 2005 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials (McMat2005), USA, 2005, 6.
S-B. Kim, Spencer, B.F., Jr., and C-B. Yun, “Rational Polynomial Approximation of Actively Controlled Structures Based on Analytically Determined Model”, the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2005), Serial. 15, Korea, 2005, 6.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, Ming L. Wang, and George M. Lloyd, “Statistical Detection of Time of Arrivals and Dominant Frequencies of Waves : theory and Numerical Study”, the International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2005), Serial. 9, Italy, 2005, 6.
J-H. Yi, S-J. Cho, J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun , C-G. Lee, W-T. Lee, “Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridge Using Ambient Vibration Tests”, the International Conference On Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2005), Serial. 9, Italy, 2005, 6.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y. Roh, Ahmad Sohaib, Adeel Riaz, “PZT-based Real-time Smart Nondestructive Evaluations of Civil Structural Components”, the ANCRiSST Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Serial. 2, Korea, 2005, 7.
J-H. Yi, S-J. Cho, C-B. Yun , C-G. Lee, W-T. Lee, “Structural Performance Evaluation of Bridges Using Ambient Acceleration Measurements”, the 2nd ANCRiSST Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Serial. 2, Korea, 2005, 7.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi and J-J. Lee, “Recent R&D Activities on Structural Health Monitoring for Bridge Structures in Korea”, Japan- Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Nagoya, Japan, 2005, 8.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, J-J. Lee, “Recent Research and Application Activities on Structural Health Monitoring in Korea”, the 2005 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, & Entrepreneurship, USA, 2005, 8.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Park, Ahmad Sohaib, “PZT-based Structural Health Monitoring Techniques for Civil Structures”, Mini-Symposium of Civil Engineering Research in 21st Century, Japan, 2005, 8.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Park, Y-R. Roh, “PZT-based Active Sensing Techniques for Nondestructive Evaluation of Steel Bridge Members”, Japan- Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Serial. 8, Japan, 2005, 8.
C-B. Yun, S-J. Cho, J-H. Yi, C-G. Lee, “Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridge Using Ambient Acceleration Data”, the 5th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Palo Alto, USA, 2005, 9.
E. Watanabe, C-B. Yun, “Internet On-line Testing and Analysis and Higher Education”, APEC-EqTAP Seminar on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Reduction, Indonesia, 2005, 9.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, J-H. Lee, “Modified One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement Technique in Concrete”, The International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Serial. 1, Korea, 2005, 11.
Y-R. Roh, D-Y Kim, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, “PZT-induced Lamb Wave and Pattern Recognition for On-line Health Monitoring of Jointed Steel Plates”, the International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Serial. 1, Korea, 2005, 11.
H-S. Kim, J-H. Yi, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, “Integrity Assessment for Beam-like Structures by Continuous Wavelet Transform”, the International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Serial. 1, Korea, 2005, 11.
Y-S. Kim, C-B. Yun, “Analysis and Design of Double Friction Pendulum System for Seismic Isolation”, The International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infra Structure, Serial. 2, China, 2005, 11.
S-H. Park, Sohaib Ahmad, C-B. Yun, Y-R. Roh, Adeel Riaz, “Experimental and Analytical Studies for Impedance-Based Smart NDE of Concrete Structures”, the International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Serial. 1, Korea, 2005, 11.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, W-J. Song, “Application of the Modified One-Sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement Technique for Curing Monitoring of Early-Age Concrete”, the International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Serial. 1, Korea, 2005, 11.
J-J. Lee, M. Shinozuka, S-J. Cho, “Remote Sensing of Bridge Displacement Using Digital Image Processing Techniques”, The 1st International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Jeju Island, Korea, 2005, 11.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, W-J. Song, “Modified One-sided Stress Wave Velocity Measurement Technique for Concrete NDT & E”, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2006, 2.
S-H. Park, Daniel J. Inman, C-B. Yun, G-H. Park, “An outlier analysis for damage detection of railroad tracks using MFC impedance-based wireless SHM system”, the 3rd international workshop on advanced smart materials and smart structures technology, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 2006, 5.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, Hitoshi Furuta, Hiroshi Hattori, “NDE of Surface Crack in Concrete Using Neural Network with Principal Component Analysis”, in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2006),Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, 2006, 5.
C-B. Yun, S-J. Cho, J-H. Yi, C-G. Lee, W-T. Lee, “Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridge Based on Ambient Acceleration Measurements”, the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS06), Porto, Portugal, 2006, 7.
S-H. Park, Benjamin L. Grisso, Daniel J. Inman, C-B. Yun, “MFC-based corrosion detection using a miniaturized impedance measuring chip”, the 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, UC San Diego, CA, USA, 2006, 7.
C-K. Seo, C-B. Yun, J-M. Kim, “3D Infinite Elements for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in Multi-Layered Half-Space”, 7th WCCM conference, USA, 2006, 7.
S-H. Park, Daniel J. Inman, C-B. Yun, “A Built-in Active Sensing System-based Structural Health Monitoring Technique Using Statistical Pattern Recognition”, the 8th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Daejeon, Korea, 2006, 8.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, Hitoshi Furuta, Hiroshi Hattori, “Ultrasonic-based Concrete Crack Depth Assessment Incorporating Principal Component Analysis Associative Neural Networks”, the Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC 2006), Daejeon, Korea, 2006, 8.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, John S. Popovics, J-H. Kim, “Improved Rayleigh Wave Velocity Measurement Technique in Concrete”, the Proceedings of NDE Conference on Civil Engineering, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2006, 8.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Daniel J. Inman, “A Self-contained Active Sensor System for Health Monitoring of Civil Infra-structures”, the 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors, Daegu, 2006. 10.
C-K. Seo, C-B. Yun, J-M. Kim, “Cuboidal&Radial Infinite Elements for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in Multi-layered Half-Space”, the 4th ICEE conference, 2006, 10.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Park, Daniel J. Inman, “Health monitoring of railroads using PZT active sensors associated with support vector machines”, the Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, Hangzhou, China, 2006, 10.
S-H. Park, Benjamin L. Grisso, Daniel J. Inman, C-B. Yun, “A New Active Sensing Device for Wireless Telemetry-based Structural Health Monitoring”, the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006, 10.
J-J. Lee, Yoshio Fukuda, Masanobu Shinozuka, S-J. Cho, C-B. Yun, “Development and Application of a Vision-based Displacement Measurement System for Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures”, the US-Korea Workshop on Smart Structures Technology for Steel Structures, Seoul, Korea, 2006, 11.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, Daniel J. Inman, “Impedance-based Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Using PCA-data Compression and K-means Clustering Algorithm”, the US-Korea Workshop on Smart Structures Technologies, Seoul, Korea, 2006, 11.
S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, Daniel J. Inman, “PCA-Data Compression for Impedance-Based Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Framework”, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japan, 2006, 12.
K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, P. Park, Y-H. Huh, “Damage Detection of Bridge Structures Using Correlated Deflections under Temperature Variations”, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Yokohama, Japan, 2006, 12.
J-Y. Min, S-W. Shin, J. Zhu, C-B. Yun, S. Popovics, “Spectral Energy-based Scheme for Crack Depth Estimation in Concrete Structures Using Surface Wave Transmission Measurements”, 19th KKCNN Symposium on civil Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 2006, 12.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Danil J. Inman, “Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Using an Active Sensing Node”, the 19th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 2006, 12.
H-J. Park, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, “Modal Flexibility-Based Damage Detection Technique by Strain Measurements Using Smart FBG Sensors”, 19th KKCNN Symposium on civil Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 2006, 12.
K-Y. Koo, S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, “Impedance-based structural health monitoring considering temperature effect”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, 2007, 3.
H-J. Park, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, “Multiple Damage Detection Techniques by Dynamic Strain Measurements Using FBG Sensors”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, 2007, 3.
S-H. Park, G-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Charles R. Farrar, “A modified electro-mechanical impedance model for structural health monitoring and sensor diagnostics”, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Chongqing and Nanjing, China, 2007. 5.
K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, “Damage Detection in Beam-like Structures Using Deflections Obtained by Modal Flexibility.”, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Chongqing and Nanjing, China, 2007. 5.
Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Daniel J. Inman, “Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Using an Outlier Analysis”, The 10th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2007. 7.31~8.3
Chung-Bang Yun, Seunghee Park, Daniel J. Inman, and Gyuhae Park, “Active Piezoelectric Sensor Nodes and Sensor Self-Diagnosis for Structural Health Monitoring”, The 9th Korea Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 2007. 8. 22-24.
Jong-Jae Lee, Ki-Young Koo, Seunghee Park, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Impedance-based Automated SHM with Compensation of Temperature Effects”, The 9th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 22-24, August, 2007
Chung-Bang Yun, Seunghee Park, “Piezoelectric Sensor-based Structural Health Monitoring for Critical Members of Civil Infrastructures”, The 5th International Seminar for Safety of Infrastructure, Seoul, Korea, 13-14, 2007. 9.
Seunghee Park, Gyuhae Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Charles R. Farrar, “Sensor Self-diagnosis Using a Modified Impedance Model for Active Sensing-based Structural Health Monitoring”, The 6th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 11-13, September, 2007
Jiyoung Min, Sung Woo Shin, Jinying Zhu, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Spectral Energy Transmission Method for Estimation of Crack Depth in Concrete Structures”, The 20th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Jeju, Korea, 2007. 10. 4-5.
Ki-Young Koo, Jong-Jae Lee, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Damage Detection in Beam-like Structures Using Deflections Obtained by Modal Flexibility Matrices”, The 20th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Jeju, Korea, 2007. 10. 4-5.
Jiyoung Min, Sung Woo Shin, Jinying Zhu, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Spectral Energy Transmission Method for crack depth estimation in concrete”, The 2nd international conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, Busan, Korea, 17-19 October, 2007.
Seunghee Park, Gyuhae Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Charles R. Farrar, “Piezoelectric sensor self diagnostics using a modified impedance model”, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 17-19, October, 2007
K.Y. Koo, S. Park, J.J. Lee, and C.B. Yun, “Temperature effects-free impedance-based structural health monitoring using principal component analysis’, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 17-19, October, 2007.
Ki-Young Koo, Seung-Hee Park, Jong-Jae Lee, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Temperature Effect Free Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Using Principal Component Analysis”, IMAC XXVI Conference & Exposition, Orlando, FL, February 4-7, 2008.
K.Y. Koo, S. Park, J.J. Lee, and C.B. Yun, “Removing Temperature Effects from Impedance-based Damage Detection Technique Using Principal Component Analysis”, Proceedings of IMAC XXVI Conference & Exposition, Orlando, FL, February 4-7, 2008.
J.R.V. Moura, Jr, S. Park, V. Steffen, Jr., and D.J. Inman, “Fuzzy Logic Applied to Damage Characterization through SHM Techniques”, Proceedings of IMAC XXVI Conference & Exposition, Orlando, FL, February 4-7, 2008.
Ji Young Min, Jae Hong Kim, Sung Woo Shin, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Spectral Energy Transmission Method for Crack Depth Estimation under Various Mix Proportions of Concrete”, The Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, March, 9-13, 6932-70, 2008.
Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, Daniel J. Inman, and Gyuhae Park, “Wireless Structural Health Monitoring for Critical Members of Civil Infrastructures using Piezoelectric Active Sensors”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego, CA, March 10-14, 6935-82, 2008.
Soojin Cho, Jin-Hak Yi and Chung-Bang Yun, “Estimation of Deflections of Bridge by Two-Step Model Updating Approach Based on Ambient Acceleration Measurements”, The SPIE Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 9-13 March, 2008.
Ki-Young Koo, Joon Young Hong, Seunghee. Park & Chung Bang. Yun, “The Geumdang Bridge: a Testbed Structure for International Collaborative Research on SHM”, The US-Korea Workshop and International Student Forum on Bio-Inspired Sensor Technology and Infra-Structure Monitoring, Jeju, Korea May 23-25, 2008.
Chung-Bang Yun, Hoon Sohn, Ki-Young Koo, Hyun-Jun Park, Ming. L. Wang, Yunfeng Zhang and Jerome P. Lynch, “US-Korea Collaborative Research for Bridge Monitoring Testbeds”, US-Korea Workshop and International Student Forum on Bio-inspired Sensor Technology and Infra-structure Monitoring, Jeju, Korea, May, 2008.
Ki-Young Koo, Jong-Jae Lee, Chung-Bang Yun and Jeong-Tae Kim, “Damage Detection in Beam-like Structures Using Deflections Obtained by Modal Flexibility Matrices”, The 3rd International Conference of Smart Materials Structures Systems, Sicily, Italy, June 8-13, 2008.
Jong-Jae Lee, Ki-Young Koo, Jun-Young Hong and Chung-Bang Yun, “Remotely Controllable SHM System for a Concrete Box-girder Bridge”, The 3rd International Conference of Smart materials Structures Systems, Sicily, Italy, June 8-13, 2008.
Ki Young Koo and Chung-Bang Yun, “Substructural Damage Detection Using Pseudo-Modal Deflections under a Positive-Bending-Inspection-Load Obtained by Pseudo-Modal Flexibility Matrices”, The Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technologies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 24-25 June, 2008.
Myungjin Chung, Tadanobu Sato, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Identification of Abruptly Changing Parameters in Structural Dynamic Systems Using Adaptive Monte Carlo Filter”, The Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST Workshop), Waseda Univ., Japan, 24-25 June, 2008.
Ki Young Koo, Joon Young Hong, SeungHee Park & Chung-Bang Yun, “The Geumdang Bridge: a Testbed Structure for International Collaborative Research on SHM”, The fourth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management, Seoul, Korea, July 13-17, 2008.
Ki-Young Koo, Jun-Young Hong, Hyun-Jun Park, Chung-Bang, Yun, “Remotely Controllable Structural Health Monitoring Systems for Bridges Using 3.5 Generation Mobile Telecommunication Technology”, The fourth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management, Seoul, Korea, July 13-17, 2008.
Hyo-Jung Kim, Seunghee Park , Byunghun Song, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes”, The Twenty-First KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Singapore, October 27-28, 2008.
Chung-Bang Yun, Hoon Sohn, Ki-Young Koo, Seunghee Park, Hyun-Jun Park, Ming Wang, Jerome P. Lynch, “International Bridge Monitoring Testbeds”, The 21th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Singapore, October, 2008.
Soojin Cho, Jerome P. Lynch and Chung-Bang Yun, “Development of a Low-cost Automated Tension Estimation System for Cable-stayed Bridges”, ASME 2008 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures & Intelligent Systems, Ellicott City, MD, USA, 28-30 October, 2008.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Il-Bum Kwon, Chung-Bang Yun, “Development of an optic-based guided wave excitation technique”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, San Diego, CA, 2009. 3.
Seunghee Park, Hyunho Shin, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Wireless sensor self-diagnosis for piezoelectric actuating/sensing networks”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, San Diego, CA, 2009. 3.
Junhee Kim, Jerome P. Lynch, Daniele Zonta, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Overlapping subnet topologies to densely monitor the Yeondae Bridge using wireless sensors”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, San Diego, CA, 2009. 3.
Jae-Hyung Park, Duc-Duy Ho, Jeong-Tae Kim, Yeon-Sun Ryu, Chung-Bang Yun, “Damage detection algorithm-embedded smart sensor node system for bridge structural health monitoring”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, San Diego, CA, 2009. 3.
Soojin Cho, Jin-Hak Yi, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Two-step Approach for Finite Element Model Updating of Bridge Using Ambient Vibration Data,” International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Phuket, Thailand, 8-13 April, 2009.
Chung-Bang Yun, Hoon Sohn, and Seunghee Park, “Smart Piezo-Sensing for Ubiquitous Structural Health Monitoring”, Int’l Symposium on Development of IT-Construction Convergence Technology & Its Application to Ubiquitous Urban Space, Jeju Island, Korea, May 25, 2009.
Junhee Kim, Kenneth J. Loh, Jerome P. Lynch, Yang Wang, Soojin Cho, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Implementation of Wireless Monitoring Systems for Modal Analysis of Bridges along a Korean Test Road,” 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 22-25 June, 2009.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Joseph Chung, Il-Bum Kwon, Chung-Bang Yun, “Wireless Guided Wave Generation Using PZT and Optoelectronic Devices” The 5th Annual Workshop of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST), Boston, MA, 2009. 7.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Byunghun Song, and Chung-Bang Yun (2009), “Development of Wireless Sensor Nodes for Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring”, The Proceedings of the Fifth Int’l Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), Boston, USA, July 29-31.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, Il-Bum Kwon, “Development of a wireless piezoelectric transducer excitation technique using laser and optoelectronic devices” The 10th International conference on structural safety and reliability (ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan, 2009. 9.
Soojin Cho, J. P. Lynch and Chung-Bang Yun, “Development and Application of a Low-cost Automated Wireless Tension Estimation System for Cable Structures,” The 10th International Conference On Structural Safety and Reliability(ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan, 12-15 September, 2009.
Chung-Bang Yun, Hoon Sohn, Seunghee Park, Hyun-Jun Park, Jiyoung Min, Chang-Gil Lee, “Piezoelectric sensors-based smart structural health monitoring” The 8th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE), Busan, Korea, 2009. 10.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Byunghun Song, “Neural Network–based Autonomous Frequency Range Selection for Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes”, The Proceedings of the Int’l Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE), Seoul, Republic of Korea, Nov 3-6, 2009.
Soojin Cho, Shin Ae Jang, Hongki Jo, Jongwoong Park, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, Billie F. Spencer Jr., Tomonori Nagayama, and Juwon Seo, “Cable-stayed Bridge Test-bed for Long-term Structural Health Monitoring Using Smart Wireless Sensor Network,” The 1st International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE), Seoul, Korea, 3-6 November, 2009.
Chung-Bang Yun, Jong-Jae Lee, and Jiyoung Min, “Smart Structural Health Monitoring and Assessment Methods for Civil Infra-Structures”, US(NSF)-India(IUSTF) Workshop: Innovative Materials and Structural Systems for Resilient and Sustainable Built Infrastructure, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai, India, December 13-15, 2009.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, Chung-Bang Yun, and Byunghun Song, “Development of multi-functional wireless impedance sensor nodes for structural health monitoring”, The Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, 6932-70, San Diego, CA, March 7-11, 2010.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, “Development of a wireless power transmission system for guided wave generation and sensing via a laser”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials/Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, 2010. 3.
Soojin Cho, Shin Ae Jang, Hongki Jo, Kirill Mechitov, Jennifer A. Rice, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., Tomonori Nagayama, Juwon Seo, “Structural health monitoring system of a cable-stayed bridge using a dense array of scalable smart sensor network”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials/Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, 2010. 3.
Rudy Tawie, Haeng-Ki Lee, Jiyoung Min, and Chung-Bang Yun (2010) “Monitoring hydration characteristics of cement paste by EMI method”, The Proceedings of the Seventh Int’l Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures and Post-Conference Workshops (FraMCoS-7), Jeju, Republic of Korea, May 23-28.
Jiyoung Min and Chung-Bang Yun (2010) “EMI-based Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Nodes”, The Proceedings of US-Korea Workshop on Multi-scale Mechanics & Multi-functional Materials for Smart Sensing and Actuation, Jeju, Republic of Korea, May 31-June 3.
Jiyoung Min, Chung-Bang Yun, Seunghee Park, Michael Lee (2010) “Electromechanical Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring and Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes”, The Proceedings of the 6th Computational Stochastic Mechanics Conference(CSME), Rhodos, Greece, June 13-16.
Soojin Cho, Jong-Woong Park, Shin Ae Jang, Hongki Jo, Hung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun and Billie F. Spencer, Jr., “Structureal Health Monitoring Using Wireless Smart Sensor Networks for a Cable-stayed Bridge”, The Proceedings of the 6th Computational Stochastic Mechanics Conference(CSME), Rhodos, Greece, June 13-16.
Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, and Chung-Bang Yun (2010) “Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Using Neural Networks for Autonomous Frequency Range Selection”, The Proceedings of the 5th Int’l Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 11-15.
Jong Woong Park, Soojin Cho, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, Shin Ae Jang, Hongki Jo, Billie F. Spencer, Jr, Tomonori Nagayama, Ju-Won Seo, “Long-term structural health monitoring system of a cable-stayed bridge based on wireless smart sensor networks and energy harvesting techniques”, The Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM), Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-13.
T. Nagayama, H.-J. Jung, B.F. Spencer, Jr., S. Jang, K.A. Mechitov, S. Cho, M. Ushita, C.-B. Yun, G.A. Agha, Y. Fujino, “INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION TO DEVELOP A STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM UTILIZING WIRELESS SMART SENSOR NETWORK AND ITS DEPLOYMENT ON A CABLE-STAYED BRIDGE”, The Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM), Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-13.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, Il-Bum Kwon, “Development of a wireless power and data transmission system using laser and optoelectronic devices for guided wave-based structural health monitoring”, The 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2010. 7.
Hyun-Jun Park, Chung-Bang Yun, Min-Ho Shin, Jong-Jae Lee, Soo-Yeol Park, “Development of structural health monitoring systems for railroad bridge testbeds”, The 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2010. 7.
Chung-Bang Yun, Hoon Sohn, Hyungjo Jung, B.F. Spencer, T. Nagayama (2010) “Wireless sensing technologies for bridge monitoring and assessment”, The Proceedings of the 5th Int’l Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 11-15.
Jiyoung Min, Chung-Bang Yun, Seunghee Park, and Michael Lee (2010) “Wireless Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Incorporating Autonomous Frequency Range Selection Using Neural Network”, The Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM), Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-13.
Jong Woong Park, Soojin Cho, Hongki Jo, Sung-Han Sim, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun and B.F. Spencer, Jr., “Deployment and Evaluation of Wireless Smart Sensor-based Structural Health Monitoring System for a Cabel-Stayed Bridge”, The Proceedings of the Twenty-Third KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 13-15.
Rudy Tawie, Haeng-Ki Lee, Jiyoung Min, and Chung-Bang Yun (2010) “Nondestructive Monitoring of Cement-Based Materials by Piezoelectric Electromechanical Impedance Technique”, The Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, September 14-18.
Chung-Bang Yun, Jin Keun Kim, and Hwasoo Yeo (2010) “Smart Structures Technologies for Green Construction and Maintenance”, The Proceedings of the 14th East Asia Round Table Meeting Symposium “Engineering Technologies in the Circular Economy”, Xi’an, China, October 13-15.
Jiyoung Min, Chung-Bang Yun, Seunghee Park, and Michael Lee (2010) “Wireless Impedance Sensor node for Structural Health Monitoring”, The Proceedings of the Twenty-Third KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 13-15.
Chung-Bang Yun (2010) “Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation”, The Proceedings of International Symposium on Stochastic Analysis for Risk Management, Tokyo, Japan, December 23.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, Michael Lee, “Development of a non-contact PZT excitation and sensing technology via laser”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, USA, March, 2011.
Hyun-Jun Park, Jiyoung Min, Chung-Bang Yun, Min-Ho Shin, Yong-Su Kim, Su-Yeol Park, “Development of structural health monitoring systems for railroad bridge testbeds”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, USA, March, 2011.
Hongki Jo, Sung-Han Sim, Kirill A. Mechitove, Robin Kim, Jian Li, Parya Moinzadeh, B.F. Spencer, Jr., Jong Woong Park, Soojin Cho, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, Jennifer A. Rice and Tomonori Nagayama, “Hybrid Wireless Smart Sensor Network for Full-scale Structural Health Monitoring of a Cable-stayed Bridge”, Proceedings of SPIE’s Symposium on SPIE Smart Structures and Materials/Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, CA, USA, March, 2011
Soojin Cho and Chung-Bang Yun, “Design of a Structural Health Monitoring System with Wireless Smart Sensors Using Axiomatic Design Principles”, 1st International Workshop on Design for Civil and Environmental Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea, April 1-2, 2011
Soojin Cho, Hongki Jo, Sung Han Sim, Kirill Mechitove, and Bill F. Spencer, Jr., Jongwoong Park, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, “Structural Health Monitoring of a Cablestayed Bridge Using Wireless Smart Sensor Network”, Engineering Mechanics Institute, Boston, USA, June 2-4, 2011
Soojin Cho, Jin-Suk Yim, Sung Woo Shin, Hyung-Jo Jung, Chung-Bang Yun, and Ming L. Wang, “Comparative Study of Cable Tension Measurement Methods by Field Tests on a Cablestayed Bridge under Construction”, Engineering Mechanics Institute, Boston, USA, June 2-4, 2011
Seung-Seop Jin, Soo-Jin Cho, Chung-Bang Yun and Hyung-Jo Jung, “MultiObjectivebased Finite Element Model Updating of Bridge Using Modal Properties”, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2011), Dalian, China, July 25-26, 2011
HyungJo Jung, Jongwoong Park, Soojin Cho, ChungBang Yun, Hongki Jo, Sung Han Sim, and Billie F. Spencer, Jr., “Advanced Structural Health Monitoring System on a Cablestayed Bridge Using Wireless Smart Sensor Network”, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2011), Dalian, China, July 25-26, 2011.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, “Development of a laser-based wireless active sensing technique “, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2011), Dalian, China, July 25-26, 2011.
Chung-Bang Yun and Hyun-Jun Park, “Smart Structure Technologies for Green & Safe Civil Infrastructures”, The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST 2011), Dalian, China, July 25-26, 2011.
Jiyoung Min, Hyojin Shim, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Electromechanical Impedance-based Damage Identification Using Multiple Piezoelectric Sensors”, Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology 2011, Dalian, China, July 25-26, 2011.
Chung-Bang Yun, Jiyoung Min, Seunghee Park, and Byunghun Song, “Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes and Smart Damage Assessments of Steel Bridge”, The Proceedings of the 11th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges, Jeju Island, Korea, August 25-27, 2011
Hyojin Shim, Jiyoung Min and Chung-Bang Yun, “Temperature Compensation in E/M Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Technique”, The Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11+), Seoul, Korea, September 18-23, 2011
Jiyoung Min, Hyojin Shim, and Chung-Bang Yun, “Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring for Civil Infrastructures “, The Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11+), Seoul, Korea, September 18-23, 2011
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, Michael Lee, “Development of a guided wave and impedance measurement technique using laser and piezoelectric transducers”, The Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11+), Seoul, Korea, September 18-23, 2011
Chung-Bang Yun, Hyun-Jun Park, “Smart Sensing and Assessment for Civil Infrastructure (keynote)”, The Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11+), Seoul, Korea, September 18-23, 2011
Jiyoung Min, Hyojin Shin, and Chung-Bang Yun, “E/M Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Technique and Its Field Applications”, The Proceedings of the 6th Int’l Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS), Seoul, Korea, November 3-5, 2011.
Hyun-Jun Park, Hoon Sohn, Chung-Bang Yun, Joseph Chung, “Laser-based Wireless Active Sensing Techniques for Steel Structures”, The Proceedings of the 6th Int’l Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS), Seoul, Korea, November 3-5, 2011.
International Journal Papers
M. Shinozuka, C-B. Yun, and R. Vaicaitis, “Dynamic analysis of fixed offshore structures subjected wind generation waves”, Structural Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 2, P. 135-146, 1977.
R. F. Drenick and C-B. Yun, “Reliability of seismic resistance predictions”, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. ST10, P. 1879-1891, 1979.
M. Abdelrahman, C-B. Yun, and P. C. Wang, “Subcritical excitation and dynamic response of structures in frequency domain”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 10, P. 761-771, 1979.
P. C. Wang and C-B. Yun, “Site-dependent critical design spectra”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 7, P. 569-578, 1979.
C-B. Yun, A. M. Abdelrahman, and P. C. Wang, “Along-wind gust effect on elevated structures”, Engineering and Structures, Vol. 1, P. 121-124, 1979.
C-B. Yun and M. Shinozuka, “Identification of nonlinear structural dynamic systems”, Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 187-203, 1980.
P. C. Wang, C-B. Yun, R. F. Drenick, and A. J. Philappacopoulos, “Critical seismic response of nuclear reactors”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 59, P. 425-435, 1980.
M. Shinozuka, C-B. Yun, and H. Imai, “Identification of linear structural dynamic systems”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 108(EM6), P. 1371-1389, 1982.
C-H. Hyun and C-B. Yun, “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of suspension bridges under random wind loading by stochastic linearization”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 3, No. 2, P. 102-111, 1988.
H. Imai, C-B. Yun, O. Maruyama, and M. Shinozuka, “Fundamentals of system identification in structural dynamics”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 4, P. 162-173, 1989.
M. Shinozuka, C-B. Yun, and H. Seya, “Stochastic methods in wind engineering”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 36, P. 829-843, 1990.
W-S. Park, C-B. Yun, and C-K. Pyun, “Infinite elements for evaluation of hydrodynamic forces on offshore structures”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 4, P. 837-847, 1991.
C-G. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Parameter identification of linear structural dynamic systems”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 6, P. 1475-1487, 1991.
C-H. Hyun, C-B. Yun, and D-G. Lee, “Nonstationary response analysis of suspension bridges for multiple support excitations”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 7, No. 1, P. 63-70, 1992.
C-S. Ryu and C-B. Yun, “Reliability of offshore guyed tower against anchor pile failure”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 14, No. 2, P. 112-120, 1992.
W-S. Park, C-B. Yun, and C-K. Pyun, “Infinite elements for 3-dimensional wave-structure interaction problems”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 14, No. 5, P. 335-346, 1992.
W-S. Park, C-B. Yun, and C-K. Pyun, “Reliability analysis of tension leg platforms by domain crossing approach”, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, P. 281-288, 1992.
S-C. Yang and C-B. Yun, “Axisymmetric infinite elements for soil-structure interaction analysis”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 14, No. 6, P. 361-370, 1992.
K-S. Hong and C-B. Yun, “Improved method for frequency domain identification of structures”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 15, No. 3, P. 179-188, 1993.
C-B. Yun and J-M. Kim, “Axisymmetric elastodynamic infinite elements for multi-layered halfspace”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 38, P. 3723-3743, 1995.
Y-S. Choun and C-B. Yun, “Sloshing characteristics in rectangular tanks with a submerged block”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 61, No. 3, P. 401-413, 1996.
Y-S. Kim and C-B. Yun, “A spurious free 4-node displacement-based fluid element for fluid-structure interaction analysis”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 19, No. 8, P. 665-678, 1997.
C-S. Ryu and C-B. Yun, “Nonstationary response analysis of offshore guyed tower subjected to earthquake loading”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 19, No. 1, P. 63-70, 1997.
D-G. Lee, J-K. Song and C-B Yun, “Estimation of system level ductility demands for multistory structures”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 19, No. 12, P. 1025-1035, 1997.
C-B. Yun, H-J. Lee and C-G. Lee, “Sequential prediction-error method for structural identification”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 123, No. 2, P. 115-121, 1997.
C-B. Yun and H-J. Lee, “Substructural identification for damage estimation of structures”, Structural Safety, Vol. 19, No. 1, P. 121-140, 1997.
W-J. Chung, C-B. Yun, N-S. Kim, and J-W. Seo, “Shaking table and pseudodynamic tests for evaluating seismic performance of base-isolated structure”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 21, No. 4, P. 365-379, 1999.
C-B. Yun, J-S. Choi and J-M. Kim, “Identification of the hualien soil-structure interaction system”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 6, P. 395-408, 1999.
Y-S. Choun and C-B. Yun, “Sloshing analysis of rectangular tanks with a submerged structure by using small amplitude water wave theory”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 28, No. 7, P. 763-783, 1999.
D-K. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Time domain soil-structure interaction analysis in two dimensional medium based on analytical frequency-dependent infinite elements”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 7, P. 1241-1261, 2000.
C-B. Yun and D-K. Kim, “Analytical frequency-dependent infinite elements for soil-structure interaction on analysis in two-dimensional medium”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 22, No. 3, P. 258-271, 2000.
C-B. Yun and E-Y. Bahng, “Substructural identification using neural networks”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 77, No. 1, P. 41-52, 2000.
S-B. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Sliding mode fuzzy control-theory and verification on a benchmark structure”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 11, P. 1587-1608, 2000.
C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, and E-Y. Bahng, “Joint damage assessment of framed structures using neural networks technique”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 23, No. 5, P. 425-435, 2001.
J-S. Choi, C-B. Yun, and J-M. Kim, “Earthquake response analysis of the hualien soil-structure interaction system on based updated soil properties using forced vibration test data”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 1, P. 1-26, 2001.
J-W. Lee, J-D. Kim, C-B. Yun, J-H. Yi, and J-M. Shim, “Health-monitoring method for bridges under ordinary traffic loadings”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 257, No. 2, P. 247-264, 2002.
J-M. Kim, S-H. Jang, and C-B. Yun, “Fluid-structure-soil interaction analysis of cylindrical liquid storage tanks subjected to horizontal earthquake loading”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 6, P. 615-638, 2002.
D-K. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Time domain earthquake response analysis method for 2D soil-structure interaction systems”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 6, P. 717-733, 2003.
J-H. Yi, C-B. Yun, and Feng, M. Q., “Model updating and joint damage assessment for steel frame structures using structural identification techniques”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 3, No. 2, P. 83-94, 2003.
D-K. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Earthquake response analysis in the time domain for 2D soil-structure systems using analytical frequency-dependent infinite elements”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 58, No. 12, P. 1837-1855, 2003.
J-S. Choi, J-S. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Input and system identification of the hualien soil-structure interaction, system using earthquake response data”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 32, No. 13, P. 1955-1975, 2003.
J-I. Gu, S-B. Kim, C-B. Yun, and Y-S. Kim, “Wind-induced vibration control of a tall building using magneto-rheological dampers : a feasibility study”, International Journal of Computational Structural Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, P. 61-68, 2003.
J-T. Kim, C-B. Yun, Y-S. Ryu, and H-N. Cho, “Identification of prestress-loss in PSC using modal information”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, P. 467-482, 2004.
J-H. Yi, and C-B. Yun, “Comparative study on modal identification methods using output-only information”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, P. 445-466, 2004.
S-B. Kim, C-B. Yun, and B.F. Spencer, “Vibration control of wind excited tall building using sliding mode fuzzy control”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, Vol. 130, No. 4, P. 505-510, 2004.
J-S. Choi, J-S. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Identification of soil-structure interaction system using earthquake response data”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, Vol. 130, No. 7, P. 753-761, 2004.
J-W. Lee, J-H. Yi, J-D. Kim, and C-B. Yun, “Health monitoring method using committees of neural networks”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 270-273, P. 1983-1988, 2004.
J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, and H-Y. Jung, “Neural network-based damage detection for bridges considering errors in baseline finite element models”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 280, P. 555-578, 2005.
S-B. Kim, B. F. Spencer, and C-B. Yun, “Frequency domain identification of MIMO systems considering physical relationship between measured variables”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 5, P. 461-472, 2005.
D-U. Park, C-B. Yun, J-W. Lee, K. Nagata, E. Watanabe, and K. Sugiura, “On-line pseudo-dynamic network testing on base-isolated bridges using internet and wireless internet”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 45, No. 4, P. 331-343, 2005.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y-R. Roh, and J-J. Lee, “Health monitoring of steel structures using impedance of thickness modes at PZT patches”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, P. 339-353, 2005.
J-J. Lee and C-B Yun, “Two-step approaches for effective bridge health monitoring”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 23, No. 1, P. 75-95, 2006.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, Y-R. Roh, and J-J. Lee, “PZT-based active damage detection techniques for steel bridge components”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 15, No. 4, P. 957-966, 2006.
J. P. Lynch, Yang Wang, Kenneth J Loh, J-H. Yi, and C-B Yun, “Performance monitoring of the Geumdang Bridge using a dense network of high-resolution wireless sensor”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 15, No. 6, P. 1561-1575, 2006.
J-J. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Damage diagnosis of steel girder bridges using ambient vibration data”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 28, No. 6, P. 912-925, 2006.
S-H Park, C-B Yun, and D. J. Inman, “Wireless structural health monitoring using an active sensing node”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 6, No. 5, P. 361-368, 2006.
J-J. Lee, S-J. Cho, Masanobu Shinozuka, C-B. Yun, C-G. Lee, and W-T. Lee, “Evaluation of bridge load carrying capacity based on dynamic displacement measurement using real-time image processing techniques”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 6, No. 5, P. 377-385, 2006.
S-H. Park, Sohaib Ahmad, C-B. Yun, and Y-R. Roh, “Multiple crack detection of concrete structures using impedance-based structural health monitoring techniques”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 46, No. 5, P. 609-618, 2006.
S-H. Park, Sohaib Ahmad, C-B. Yun, and Y-R. Roh, “Experimental and analytical studies for impedance-based smart NDE of concrete structures”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 321-323, P. 170-173, 2006.
Y-R. Roh, D-Y. Kim, S-H. Yang, S-H. Park, and C-B. Yun, “PZT-induced Lamb waves and pattern recognition for on-line health monitoring of jointed steel plates”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 321-323, P. 146-151, 2006.
H-S. Kim, J-H. Yi, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, and Y-H. Huh. “Integrity assessment for beam-like structures by continuous wavelet transform”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 321-323, P. 282-285, 2006.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, “Nondestructive curing monitoring of early-age concrete using rayleigh wave velocity”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 321-323, P. 318-321, 2006.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, W-J. Song, and J-H. Lee, “Modified stress wave velocity measurement technique in concrete”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 321-323, P. 314-317, 2006.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and Y-R. Roh, “Damage diagnostics on a welded zone of a steel truss member using an active sensing network system”, Nondestructive Technology and Evaluation International, Vol. 40, No. 1, P. 71-76, 2007.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, J. S. Popovics, and J-H. Kim, “Improved rayleigh wave velocity measurement for nondestructive early-age concrete monitoring”, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 18, No. 1, P.46-68, 2007.
H-J. Park, K-Y. Koo, and C-B. Yun, “Modal flexibility-based damage detection technique of steel beam by dynamic strain measurements using FBG sensors”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 7, No. 1, P. 11-18, 2007.
S-H. Park, Benjamin L. Grisso, Daniel J. Inman, and C-B. Yun, “MFC-based structural health monitoring using a miniaturized impedance measuring chip for corrosion detection”, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 18, No. 2, P. 139-150, 2007.
S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, and Daniel J. Inman, “A built-in active sensing system-based structural health monitoring technique using statistical pattern recognition”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 6, P. 896-902. 2007.
J-J. Lee, Yoshio Fukuda, Masanobu Shinozuka, S-J. Cho, and C-B. Yun, “Development and application of a vision-based displacement measurement system for structural health monitoring of civil structures”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, P. 374-384, 2007.
J-H. Yi, S-J. Cho, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, J-T. Kim, C-G. Lee, and W-T. Lee, “Structural performance evaluation of a steel-plate girder bridge using ambient acceleration measurements”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, P. 281-298, 2007.
C-G. Seo, C-B. Yun, and J-M. Kim, “Three-dimensional frequency-dependant infinite elements for soil-structure interaction”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, No. 11, P. 3106-3120, 2007.
Y-S. Kim and C-B. Yun, “Seismic response characteristics of bridges using double concave friction pendulum bearings with tri-linear behavior”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, No. 11, P. 3082-3093, 2007.
C-B. Yun, S-H. Chang, C-G. Seo, and J-M. Kim, “Dynamic infinite elements for soil-structure interaction analysis in a layered soil medium”, Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 7, No. 4, P. 693-713, 2007.
S-W. Shin, C-B. Yun, H. Furuta, and J. S. Popovics, “Nondestructive evaluation of crack depth in concrete using PCA-compressed wave transmission function and neural networks”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 48, P. 25-231, 2008.
S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, Daniel J. Inman, and C-B. Yun, “Electro-mechanical impedance-based wireless structural health monitoring using PCA and k-means clustering algorithm”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 19, No. 4, P. 509-520, 2008.
K-J. Lee and C-B. Yun, “Parameter identification for nonlinear behavior of RC bridge piers using sequential modified extended Kalman filter”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, P. 319-342, 2008.
S-W. Shin, Adeel Riaz Qureshi, J-Y. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Piezoelectric sensor based nondestructive active monitoring of strength gain in concrete”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 17, P. 1-8, 2008.
S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and Daniel J. Inman, “Structural health monitoring using electro-mechanical impedance sensors”, Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure, Vol. 31, No. 8, P. 714-724, 2008.
K-Y. Koo, J-J. Lee, C-B. Yun, and J-T. Kim, “Damage detection in beam-like structures using deflections obtained by modal flexibility matrices”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 5, P. 605-628, 2008.
S-H. Park, Daniel J. Inman, and C-B. Yun, “An outlier analysis of MFC-based impedance sensing data for wireless structural health monitoring”, Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 30, No. 10, P. 2792-2799, 2008.
S-J. Cho, C-B. Yun, J. P. Lynch, A. T. Zimmerman, B. F. Spencer Jr., and T. Nagayama, “Smart wireless sensor technology for structural health monitoring of civil structures”, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 8, No. 4, P. 267-276, 2008.
S-H. Park, Daniel J. Inman, J-J. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Piezoelectric sensor-based health monitoring of railroad tracks using a two-step support vector machine classifier”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, P. 80-88, 2008.
J-H. Park, D-S. Hong, J-T. Kim, K-Y. Koo, C-B. Yun, and G-H. Park, “Wireless sensing and embedded monitoring algorithm for damage diagnosis in PSC girders”, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 56, P. 420-425, 2008.
J-J. Lee, K-Y. Koo, J-Y. Hong, and C-B. Yun, “Remotely controllable SHM system for a concrete box-girder bridge”, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 56, P. 339-344, 2008.
S-H. Park, G-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and C. R. Farrar, “Sensor self-diagnosis using a modified impedance model for active sensing-based structural health monitoring”, Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 71-82, 2009.
K-Y. Koo, S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Automated impedance-based structural health monitoring incorporating effective frequency shift for compensating temperature effects”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 4, P. 367-377, 2009.
S-H. Park, H-H. Shin, and C-B. Yun, “Wireless impedance sensor nodes for functions of structural damage identification and sensor-diagnosis”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1-11, 2009.
S-J. Cho, J. P. Lynch, J-J. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “Development of an automated wireless tension force estimation system for cable-stayed bridges”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 3, P. 361-376, 2010.
K-Y. Koo, J-Y. Hong, S-H. Park, J-J. Lee, and C-B. Yun, “A remotely controllable structural health monitoring framework for bridges using 3.5 generation mobile telecommunication technology”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, P. 193-207, 2009.
J. Min, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and B-H. Song, “Development of a low-cost multifunctional wireless impedance sensor node”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, P. 689-709, 2010.
S-A. Jang, H-K. Jo, S-J. Cho, K. Mechitov, Jennifer A. Rice, S-H. Sim, H-J. Jung, C-B. Yun, B. F. Spencer, Jr., and Gul Agha, “Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using smart sensor technology: deployment and evaluation”, Smart Structures and Systems , Vol. 6, No. 5-6, P. 439-459, 2010.
S-J. Cho, H-K. Jo, S-A. Jang, J-W. Park, H-J. Jung, C-B. Yun, Billie F. Spencer, Jr., and J-W. Seo, “Structural health monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge using smart sensor technology: data analyses”, Smart Structures and Systems , Vol. 6, No. 5-6, P. 461-480, 2010.
H-J. Park, H. Sohn, C-B. Yun, Joseph Chung and I-B. Kwon , “A wireless guided wave excitation technique based on laser and optoelectronics”, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, P. 749-765, 2010.
J-S. Ryu, C-G. Seo, J-M. Kim, and C-B. Yun, “Seismic response analysis of soil-structure interactive system using a coupled three dimensional FE-IE method”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 240, No. 8, P. 1949-1966, 2010.
J-R. Shin, Y-K. Ahn, H. Sohn, and C-B. Yun, “Vibration reduction of high-speed railway bridge by adding size-adjusted vehicles”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 32, No. 9, P. 2839-2849, 2010.
J. Min, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, “Impedance-based structural health monitoring using neural networks for autonomous frequency range selection”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 19, No. 12, P. 1-10, 2010.
C-B. Yun and J-Y. Min, “Smart sensing, monitoring, and damage detection for civil infrastructures”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, P. 1-14, 2011.
C-B. Yun, J-J. Lee, and K-Y. Koo, “Smart structure technologies for civil infrastructures in Korea : recent research and applications”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 9, P. 673-688, 2011.
J-H. Yi, S-J. Cho and C-B. Yun, “Two-step indirect static deflection estimation of bridges based on ambient acceleration measurements”, Experimental Techniques, doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2011.00737.x , P. 1-13, 2011.
J-H Lee, J-J Lee, J-S Choi, and C-B Yun, “A semi-analytical approach to predict ground vibration by identification of soil properties and train-transit loads”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted, 2011.
J. Min, S-H. Park, C-B. Yun, and C-G. Lee, “Impedance-based structural health monitoring incorporating neural network technique for identification of damage type and severity”, Engineering Structures, Accepted, 2011.
D. D. Ho, P. Y. Lee, K. D. Nguyen, D. S. Hong, S. Y. Lee, J-T. Kim, S. W. Shin, C-B. Yun, and M. Shinozuka, “Solar-Powered Multi-Scale Sensors Node on Imote2 Platform for Hybrid SHM in Cable-Stayed Bridge”, Smart Structures and Systems, Accepted, 2012.
H-J. Park, H. Sohn, C-B. Yun, M. Lee, and J. Chung, “Wireless guided wave and impedance measurement using laser and piezoelectric transducers”, Smart Materials and Structures, Accepted, 2012.
1. 학력
1959~1965 경기 중·고등학교 졸업
1965~1969 서울대학교 공과대학 토목공학 학사
1972~1974 미국 Columbia 대학교 토목공학 석사
1974~1978 미국 Columbia 대학교 토목공학 박사
*박사학위논문: Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Structures and Identification of Structural Dynamic Systems
2. 경력
1969~1971 육군 소위, 중위
1977~1978 미국 Polytechnic Institute of New York 박사후연구원
1979~1982 미국 Amoco 석유회사 연구소 해양공학부 선임연구원
1982~2012 한국과학기술원 건설 및 환경공학과 교수
1988~1988 미국 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 교환교수
1988~1989 미국 Princeton University 교환교수
2002~2004 한국전산구조공학회 회장
2002~2011 한국연구재단지정 스마트사회기반시설연구센터 소장
2003~2005 The Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology 회장
2005~2007 한국지진공학회 회장
2009~현재 한국지진공학회 고문
2012~현재 Smart Structures and Systems 저널 Editor in Chief
2012~현재 한국과학기술원 명예교수
3. 자격 및 회원
1997 한국공학한림원 정회원
2001 한국과학기술한림원 정회원
대한토목학회 정회원
한국전산구조공학회 정회원
한국지진공학회 정회원
한국강구조학회 정회원
한국해양공학회 정회원
한국소음진동공학회 정회원
4. 수상경력
1995 한국전산구조공학회 학술상
1999 대한토목학회 학술상
2000 한국강구조학회 학술상
2003 대한민국 산업포장
2005 한국전산구조공학회 공로상
2006 ANCRiSST Keynote Lecture Award
2007 대한토목학회 송산상
2008 한국지진공학회 공로상
2008 한국과학기술원 연구상
2012 대한민국 국민포장
5. 논문 발표 (2011.02 기준)
국제 학술지 논문 : 103 편 (SCI/E 논문 93 편)
국내 학술지 논문: 96 편
국제 학술대회 논문 : 256 편
국내 학술대회 논문 : 188 편
6. 특허 출원/등록
2007/08 광섬유 복합 강연선. 그 광섬유 복합 강연선의 제조방법 및 변형률 측정방법
2010/03 무선 구조물 안전진단 시스템
2010/04 광섬유 복합 강연선을 활용한 교량 구조물의 건전성 모니터링 방법
2010/04 광섬유 복합 강연선을 이용한 어스앵커 구조물의 건전성 모니터링 방법
2010/06 센서 유니트를 가진 복합강연선 및 이의 제조방법
Research Area
Smart Sensors and Structural Health Monitoring
Vibration-based Damage Diagnosis of Bridges
Damage Assessment of Concrete Structures using NDT Techniques
Earthquake and Soil Structure Interaction Analysis
Major Research
Project Development of Monitoring Method Using Smart Sensors and NDT Techniques (SISTeC)
Development of IT-based Smart Measurement and Monitoring System for Structural Integrity Evaluation of Bridges (MOCT)
Development of Active-Passive combined NDT Techniques for Damage Assessment of Concrete Structures (MOCT)
Infra-Structure Assessment Research Center (MOCT)
Development of Safety Diagnosis System for Tidal Power Structure (KORDI)
Major Research Equipment
Dynamic Actuator
FBG Sensor System
PZT Sensor System
Accelerometers and Signal Conditioner
Major Achievements
Damage Detection in Beam-like Structures Using Deflections Obtained by Modal Flexibility Matrices (2008)
Sensor Self-Diagnosis Using a Modified Impedance Model for Active Sensing-Based Structural Health Monitoring (2008)
Impedance-based Automated Structural Health Monitoring Incorporating Effective Frequency Shift for Compensating Temperature Effects (2008)
Nondestructive Evaluation of Crack Depth in Concrete Using PCA-compressed Wave Transmission Function and Neural Networks (2008)
Parameter identification for nonlinear behavior of RC bridge piers using sequential modified extended Kalman filter (2008)
Smart Wireless Sensor Technology for Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures (2008)